There are more than 1500 endangered species on our planet. These plants and animals had survived on the planet since the early ages. However, the governments of every country is doing their part to safeguard the remaining endangered plants and animals by implementing strict rules and laws against those poaching and killing them. Few endangered animals are tiger, Ethiopian wolf, Simien fox, bay cat, turtles etc. The list goes on since there are so many endangered animals on the planet. It is the same case with plants.
However, the Government is taking necessary actions in saving the existing wildlife and safeguarding them from being destroyed. These are also numerous types of fishes that are endangered due to the development of fishing industry. Certain pesticides are also banned in the north side since it might destroy all salmons in the country. Many environmentalists are trying to safeguard these species. Therefore, it is important that we stop the hunting and deforestation.
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