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The Indian Star Tortoise

The Indian Star Tortoise (Geochelone Elegans) is an imposing tortoise, not especially because of its sizes, but because of the beautiful colors of the carapace. The yellow colors radiating on a black background makes this tortoise unique. However, beauty is a curse sometimes, and this was proven by the Indian Star Tortoise. During the last two centuries, considering the interest of Europeans and Americans for this species, they were hunted and caught. The problem is that those tortoises rarely adapt to the climate in other areas. Therefore, the majority of tortoises that reached the European and American countries died after a few months. Today, it is an endangered species and it is protected by the law.

The Indian Tortoises are not territorial. This means that they can be grown together. They are peaceful animals, unlike their “cousins” from Europe, which are sometimes violent one with the other, especially during the mating season. Those tortoises are native from India and Pakistan, but they can also be found in…the United States. However, the Star Tortoise is a little different here, being considered as a part of a different family.

If you are looking for a Star tortoise as a pet, you will have to look for an authorized breeder. Importing such a tortoise from their native grounds is forbidden and punished.

The Indian Star tortoise female is larger than the male. The females can reach 25-30 centimeters, while the male reach 20-25 centimeters. They can live for 30-80 years, but because there are no official records, those numbers are a little arbitrary. The captive tortoises might live longer than the ones from the wild, but only if they are well taken care of.

The cage for such a tortoise must be placed outdoors, in warm areas. It is possible to grow such a tortoise inside a house, but special sources of heat and light are required. A pen of 2-3 square meters is enough for one tortoise. Unlike other tortoises, this one does not dig, so you don’t need to burry the walls of the cage. If you can plant alfalfa and grass in a part of the cage, it is great, as this way, the tortoise will have fresh food at its disposal. Of course, a portion of deep sand is required. Even if the Star tortoise usually does not dig, the female needs this place for laying eggs. The tortoise is vulnerable to a large number of diseases, so it is important to keep a healthy environment. Grass, sand and mud can serve as inferior layers, on which you can put the last layer of sand, grass and alfalfa.

The Indian Star Tortoise likes the subtropical climates. Whether you decide for an indoor or outdoor cage, you will need a temperature of 26-30 degrees Celsius. The tortoise does not have problems with temperatures of 35-40 degrees Celsius, but they need a place to hide. They are also resistant to cold for a short while, so you can keep the tortoise outside during the summer nights, or even in the autumn, when the temperature does not fall below 15-20 degrees Celsius. 

The Tortoise and the Hare Fable

 The Tortoise And The Hare is one of the most popular fables of the Greek philosopher and storyteller Aesop, a fable that is valid even today, 2500 years after it has been told for the first time. It is an educative story, which highlights the wisdom of tortoises.

One day, a hare was bragging about his incredible speed, provoking all the animals in the forest for a run. His main target for jokes was the turtle. The hare laughed about her because she was so slow. The tortoise tried to ignore him for a while, but the hare was so insistent, that the tortoise decided to play the game. She stretched her neck and provoked the hare for a run. The hare and all the other animals had a good laugh and prepared for what was about to be a ravaging victory of the hare.

They had to wait for a while until all the animals gathered. The news spread instantly across the forest. The lion decided the course, and the hare was so happy. The race begun, and as it was expected, the hare took a significant advantage even since the start. The hare soon got bored of running, so he decided to stop and to play for a while in a meadow. He got tired of playing, so he also decided to take a nap. After all, the tortoise was way behind, so he had all the time in the world. Meantime, the tortoise continued the race, taking one step at a time, without breaks.

The rabbit took a long nap, and then he woke up. Time to get going. He ran like never before, and crossed the finish line where the tortoise was patiently waiting for the rabbit to arrive.

Although this is only a story, it is a statement of the wisdom of tortoises. Even since antiquity, the tortoise was considered as a smart animal. 

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 Growing the Sulcata Tortoises

Taking Care of the Red Footed Tortoise

The Legend of Giant Tortoise

The Wonder Called the Galapagos Tortoise

The Characteristics of the Desert Tortoise

Breeding and Taking Care of the Land Tortoise

The Green Tortoise

The Green Tortoise is also known as Caretta Caretta, and it lives at the bottom of the sea for their entire life. The Green tortoise is actually a turtle, because this is the difference between turtles and tortoises, but the name Green tortoise is also accepted. The lungs of those tortoises are well developed; ensuring perfect blood circulation, but the tortoise still has to come at the surface of the water to breathe.

Even if it does not have the possibility to withdraw the head under the carapace, the Green tortoise does not have natural enemies, this is owned to the big size, and to the resistant skin, that covers the entire body. In other words, this tortoise is not hunted by larger predators simply because it is not…tasty.

The Green turtles are predators, eating fish, crabs and other marine animals. Because of the strong jaws, they can easily chew shells. They are fast and they don’t have any enemy in the marine world, but when they reach the land, they become really vulnerable.

An adventure of a Green turtle on the land is not always nice. Although the males never leave the waters of the sea, the females have to find beaches with smooth sand to pay eggs. They will always look for the area with the smoothest sand on the beach, and once they find it, the female will dig a hole of 50 centimeters, where it will lay about 50-100 eggs with the size of a golf ball. Then, she covers the nest with sand, so it will be protected from potential predators.

The incubation period lasts for about two months, and then the baby turtles leave the nest and they look for the sea. It is the most vulnerable period from the life of a turtle, as the majority of babies die from different causes: natural predators, the influence of man on the beaches, or hatching during the day. From 50 eggs, only 2-3 babies reach maturity. It is believed that the tortoise will return to the beach where she was born to lay eggs.

The Caretta Caretta tortoises prefer the Mediterranean beaches. They are famous, but this only brought them troubles. The most important enemies of Green tortoises are the fishing nets, and the engines of tourist boats.

The muscles of the neck are well developed. The members and even the tale are also strong, as those must support a considerable weight. This tortoise has an increased mobility while swimming, but on the land, they are rather slow and exposed. Those turtles live for 30-40 years, and they can resist without food for a long time.

The Green turtle has not mechanism to protect against cold weather, and this is why it is hard to adapt it in colder areas. It is practically impossible to have it as a pet. This tortoise can handle heat and humidity with ease, but when it comes to cold weather, they are really vulnerable. You can think about having one as a pet only if you live in an area with a warm climate.

Growing the Sulcata Tortoises

The Sulcata tortoises are amongst the most popular types of tortoises. They are bought in stores when they have the size of a coin, and they can grow up to 50-60 kilograms. They live 100 years or even more, but because of lack of records, it is believed that they can live a lot more. If you want a Sulcata tortoise, you will have to prepare a special place for it. They are good climbers, so besides the generous space, it is important to make high fences.

The Sulcata tortoise has its natural habitat in dry and hot areas, and if you want such an animal as a pet, you will have to ensure the same habitat. They have carapaces that can reach one meter, so they are amongst the largest types of tortoises in the world. The predominant color of the shell is brown and yellow, but they can have other nuances. The skin is resistant, thick, and it prevents sweating, which means that water is retained in the body for a long time.

 Even if they live in dry areas, the tortoises are herbivores. They will look for grass and weed. Sometimes, they can eat different types of cactuses. At the zoos in Europe and USA, their main alimentation is composed of grass, flowers and vegetables. The artificial habitat must be kept constantly at more than 27 degrees Celsius. The Sulcata tortoise does not hibernate, and it is recommended not to put it near a lake or water source, as they don’t need to be wet.

If you have the required authorizations and you decided to buy a Sulcata, you need to prepare the habitat. Start from the local pet shop where you can buy a cage, but you can also make one based on your preferences, and on the space that you can put at the disposal of the pet.

When you buy a Sulcata, you must be sure that she or he is healthy. The tortoise must move a lot, a little scared but curious. When it is taken in hand, it will first withdraw in the carapace, but after a while, she must come out to see what happened. The skin must be smooth, shiny, without bruises or wounds. A healthy Sulcata has big and expressive eyes.

The Sulcata tortoises have a variable body temperature. If you want to ensure the right temperature for the tortoise, you will need heat and UV rays, and also a source of artificial light that replaces the sunrays, but only during the winter. The Sulcata tortoise needs to stay in the sun as much as possible.

The space that you put at the disposal of the tortoise must offer comfort and challenges. You can use an aquarium, but considering the fact that the Sulcata is a large animal, you can think about a pen also. In a corner of the pen, you will need a few stones and some wooden pieces, and the water pot. This must be fixed and small, so the tortoise would not be able to take a bath in it.

The Legend of Giant Tortoise

The representatives of the Testudo family, the giant tortoises live on Galapagos and the Tortoise Islands. They can live for 100-250 years, which allowed them to develop their own local variety, with distinctive forms of carapaces.

It is unknown how those tortoises were discovered, but what is known is that they were so many, because of the good living conditions here, and because their long life allowed many generations to live at the same time. This leaded to a diversity and mixture of species. During the 17th and 18th centuries, the tortoises were hunted for food, by explorers. At a certain time, Galapagos was a stop for vessels that remained without food. During the 19th century, several species disappeared.

The giant tortoises can be divided in 10 species, and each one has 10 subspecies. The biggest are Testudo vicina and Testudo elephantopus, which can weight 450 kilograms, especially males. The carapace is thin and elastic considering its size, and the weight of the animal. Those live on land, in the interior of the islands, but they mate on the shores of the sea, where they get in 2-3 days. The female lays 8-17 eggs in a nest, which is covered with soft sand.

The giant tortoises usually eat algae and a special type of grass, called the sea grass, which grows near the waters. As other reptiles, they can live without water and food for a long time, up to 400 days.

The regenerating capacity of the tortoises is impressive, for example, if the carapace is burn or hurt in a proportion of 70%, it will be completely replaced in less than two years. Their survival force is impressive. It they suffer severe injuries and even amputations; they can live several months with missing members. There are also giant tortoises in India.

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The Wonder Called the Galapagos Tortoise

The Characteristics of the Desert Tortoise

Breeding and Taking Care of the Land Tortoise

Most Important Types of Tortoises

Characteristics of the Radiated Tortoise

Taking Care of the Red Foot Tortoise

The Wonder Called the Galapagos Tortoise

The Galapagos tortoise is proverbial because of its longevity, and only a few people know that it never gets old. The Galapagos tortoises don’t die of oldness, but they are defeated by diseases, and they end up because of lack of food. At certain ages, they are simply too lazy and tired to look for food.

Researches showed that the internal organs of the Galapagos tortoise are well preserved even after 100 years, and they have the same characteristics as the ones of a young tortoise. In Calcutta, a 250 years old Galapagos tortoise died a few years ago. It is likely for even older tortoises to exist, but this is more difficult to prove.

Researchers were not able to find a logical explanation of this phenomenon. It is likely for the alimentation to be the reason why those reptiles live so long. One of the most interesting aspects about this tortoise is the mating period. A female is courted by several males, which fight one another. The ones that are defeated withdraw from the battle when they are tired. The winner has the honor to have siblings, but the configuration of bodies make the process hard. The male must insist and patience is required. The sexual act lasts for a while. For some unknown reasons, the couple even eats one time during the mating process.

The longevity of Galapagos turtles is a reason for debate for researchers, but those were not able to find the right reason for which this species lives so long. The problem is of great interest, as the explanation can be used for extrapolating, even for the human race. In the opinion of some people, the reason for this longevity hides even in their genetic code, so it is impossible to “decode” the DNA of Galapagos tortoises and to use them for other reasons.

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The Characteristics of the Desert Tortoise
Breeding and Taking Care of the Land Tortoise
Characteristics of Russian tortoises
Taking Care of the Small Tortoise
Most Important Types of Tortoises
Characteristics of the Radiated Tortoise
Important Tortoise Facts
Taking Care of the Red Foot Tortoise

The Characteristics of the Desert Tortoise

Welcome to my world

The Desert tortoise is an herbivore reptile that resists even when the temperatures grow to 60 degrees Celsius, because of its capacity to dig galleries. This turtle spends its entire life in those galleries that offer shelter during the cold season, from November to march. The galleries can be simple, but also complex, spread on a few meters. The desert turtle can have tens of hideouts of this kind. Those can be used, in different periods, by several tortoises.

The desert tortoise weights 5-9 kilograms and it measures 40 centimeters or even more. The shell is high, and the growing lines are highlighted. The superior part of the carapace is rounded and brown, and the inferior line is flat and yellow. It has a big head compared with the body, and a short tale. The inferior members are strong, while the superior ones are flat, as this way, it is easier to dig.

When the tortoise is scared, or when she wants to avoid dangers, the tortoise makes some sounds that have the goal to scare the predator. The visual and smell senses are well developed, but the sounds are of low frequency, so they are rarely effective.

The desert tortoise lives about 80-100 years, which is a record even for tortoise. They reach maturity after 15-20 years. From November to March, this tortoise hibernates. Those reptiles are well adapted to the dry land where they live. They dig basins where they collect rainwater, and they can wait for days for it to fill. In the rest of the year, they take the water necessary from the moisture on grass and wild flowers that they eat during the spring. It is interesting that this reptile can live one year without drinking water.

The natural habitats of this tortoise are the rocky areas from the Mojave and Sonoran deserts, and in Southeastern California. It eats weed and wild flowers, cactuses and fruits, especially during the spring, when they get out of hibernation.

The number of eggs lay by the female varies considering the dimensions of the female. A mature female can lay eight eggs in a nest. In one season, the female can make two-three nests. Once the eggs are in the hole, the nest is covered with sand. The incubation period is of 90-120 days. A phenomenon is interesting, because considering the temperature of the environment, males can hatch (26-30 degrees), or females (30-33 degrees). It is one of the fewest species that has this characteristic. Moreover, the desert tortoise is one of the fewest that actually watches the nest. Even if the nests are situated far from the “residence” of the mother, they are protected under a tree or in the shadows of a rock.

The baby tortoises grow considering the quantity of food that they have at their disposal and they are not defended and fed by their parents. In one year, their carapace can create more rings, so their age can’t be established using these criteria. It is a protected species since 1990.

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Characteristics of Russian tortoises

Characteristics of the Radiated Tortoise

Characteristics of the Sulcata Tortoise


Breeding and Taking Care of the Land Tortoise

The majority of land tortoises that are kept in captivity are herbivores. While in the wild, they can eat some animal proteins; this is not the base of their diet. Meat can be avoided in captivity, but in this case, it must be replaced with food from the pet store, which contains everything required by a tortoise to survive.

The young land turtle eats every day. The older ones eat once every two days, considering the appetite. During the winter season, the older tortoises will eat once every two or three days.

80% of the diet of a land turtle must be composed of fibers, and 10-20% can be fruits and vegetables. Ideally, during the warm days, the tortoises should be taken on a grass field, where they can eat what they want. Make sure to find a lawn that was not treated with chemical products. This creates a great environment, so the tortoise can enjoy flowers, grass and even worms.

The most suited aliments for a tortoise are cabbage, spinach and lettuce. However, daily alimentation must not be resumed to a single type of vegetables. On the contrary, you can combine those, and you must also change some of them once every two or three days. For the small tortoises, those can be chopped and mixed. It is not recommended too much lettuce for tortoises that are in the growing phase, as this does not contain too much calcium.

Cucumbers and strawberries, as well as apples can be administrated in small portions. The tortoise might like sweet corn, but only in small quantities. Alfalfa is another recommended weed, but only in controlled quantities.

Don’t feed the tortoise with cats or dogs food, unless it is an emergency. The tortoise can live without food for a few days, so it is better to wait for a while and to buy the proper food, instead of risking the health of your beloved pet.

As hard as you would try, you will never be able to offer all the required minerals and good substances for your pet, so it is important to consult the tortoise at the veterinarian at least once or twice a year. The veterinarian will recommend you supplements, minerals and calcium. Moreover, they need access to a source of light. If you choose an indoor habitat, an UV ray is mandatory, but also a dark space in a corner of the pen, so the tortoise could hide when it is scared.

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Taking Care of a Tortoise

Taking Care of a Baby Tortoise

Taking Care of the Small Tortoise

Taking Care of Baby Turtles

Characteristics of Russian tortoises

The Russian tortoise is a special type of the Testudo family. It is adapted for the cold weather of Europe and Russia, although it can be found in other parts of the world. It is suited as a pet because it is easily adaptable, and it is common in pet stores.

The Russian tortoises drink water. You will need to ensure enough quantity, but make sure that the tortoise can’t enter the recipient. Moreover, the water recipient in the pen must be fixed, as the tortoise will surely spill the water otherwise.

The Russian tortoise digs a lot. The habitat of this tortoise must be made on a layer of sand and mud of at least 10 centimeters. Normally, if the tortoise receives the required quantity of food and light, it will not need to hibernate. However, the nature takes its course, so even if the pet does not want to hibernate, it will want to dig holes to prepare. If the sand is not deep enough, you will take the most important pleasure of your pet away.

The Russian tortoise adapts easily to captivity, and it has the same behavior. It is not recommended to buy this type of tortoise if you live in a hot area, as it will almost certainly die. Even if you are able to ensure the right temperature, it is impossible to stimulate the humidity required by this tortoise.

The food for a Russian tortoise is also delicate. This species is adapted to the harsh conditions of the steppe. This means that she will look for weeds and sparse plants. You might believe that you will make the pet happy if you give it enough food. It is not true. The natural behavior of the tortoise is to look for food and to fight for every weed, so it will not feel that great with a bowl full of lettuce.

During the summer, you can keep the tortoise in an external pen. Here, it can dig as many holes as she wants, and she will feel perfect. During the winter, if you don’t have enough room in your house, at least try to create a proper environment for hibernation. The behavior of Russian tortoises is changeable. If the turtle did not hibernate this year, it does not mean that she will not want to do so the next year. Anticipating the wishes of your pet is the real challenge of growing a Russian tortoise.  

Taking Care of the Small Tortoise

Many people want a small tortoise as a pet. “Small” is a relative concept for tortoises, considering the fact that those measure from 10 centimeters to 2 meters, depending on the species. The European, Greek and Russian tortoises are considered small-average tortoises, which can reach 20-25 centimeters at maturity. Sure, you can find smaller tortoises, but those are the most common types that you can also find in your local pet store.

The small tortoise is specialized for digging. Whether we are talking about the European and Russian tortoises that have to dig a hole to prepare hibernation for the winter, or about the sub-tropical species that need to dig to prepare the nest for the eggs, the small turtle is adapted for digging.

The hibernating turtles are inactive from October to March. As soon as the hibernation process is over, the turtle starts the mating period. From the middle of April, when this period is over, the tortoises will start to concentrate about food. Their advantage is that they don’t need to take care of the eggs, which means that they have enough time to eat, to accumulate fat deposits that will be really useful for the winter. This is also a disadvantage, because this leads to a small survival percentage of tortoises. The nests are found by predators, and even if they hatch, the babies are vulnerable during the first hours of their life. Only 2% of the baby turtles survive. Some species of tortoises lay eggs four times in a season. During this period, the female eats less.

It is important for people that want to have turtles as pets to understand those. The majority of tortoises brought from Africa and from subtropical areas don’t survive because of the cold weather. An indoor habitat is required, but as we are talking about turtles that can easily reach 20-25 centimeters, the turtles need to have a space of 1-2 meters.

The tortoises are usually herbivores, but they can also eat worms, meat and even small birds. The tortoise needs carbohydrates, and this is why a large insect is delicious once a day for a tortoise.

Hibernation in captivity is a debated subject. Some say that the tortoise must be forced to hibernate in captivity, even if she has all the heat, light and food required, while others say that the tortoise must “decide”. For this, you will have to create a cave, and to put a layer of sand. If the tortoise wants to hibernate, she will know what to do.

Most Important Types of Tortoises

The difference between tortoises and turtles is the fact that tortoise live on land, while the turtles prefer aquatic life. The tortoises can be considered land turtles. The species are related, but also different from many points of view. Let’s see the characteristics of tortoises, and the main types of tortoises.

The tortoise is usually a middleweight turtle. It has 4 centimeters at birth and 15-30 centimeters as an adult. It is spread across the entire world. Even if they live their life on dry land, they can always be found near a source of water. They have a convex carapace, and their shape is usually oval.

The tortoises are usually vegetarian, but they also eat worms, insects and small animals. They also hibernate during the winter. The reproductive period is the end of spring, and the female lays 3-12 eggs, which need 3-8 months before hatching. The majority of tortoises are protected by the law, because they are almost extinct. Many species of tortoises were extinct during the latest years, and without the help of the authorities, this will continue.

Even if the majority of tortoises are protected by the law, so you are not allowed to have one, there are many tortoises that can be bought from local pet stores. Don’t ask tortoises on forums and on blogs, as this way, you will only encourage illegal activities that are responsible for the extinction of many tortoises. There are many authorized websites and pet shops that can give you a tortoise legally, and from which you can find such a pet without being worried about potential punishment.

There are many types of tortoises. The most popular ones are the Greek, Russian and African tortoises. In any case, make sure to buy it from the authorized pet stores. Even if the turtle that you buy is not from an endangered species, it is important to have papers attesting the species and the history of the turtle.  

Taking Care of Baby Turtles

Taking Care of the Red Foot Tortoise

Characteristics of the Radiated Tortoise

The Radiated Tortoise grows up to 40 centimeters, and it can weight about 15 kilograms. The radiated tortoise is considered one of the most beautiful, because it has some nice colors that can’t be found with many other tortoises. Moreover, its legs that look like the ones of elephants are also interesting.

The name of this tortoise comes from the yellow stripes in the carapace, which looks like radiated rays. From this point of view, this tortoise looks alike the Indian Star Tortoise, but according to specialists, this tortoise looks a lot better. This tortoise is also bigger and it has a smoother carapace. The males of this species have longer tails. The radiated tortoises live in a limited area of Madagascar, but the efforts of different organizations increased the habitat of those tortoises in the neighbored island if Reunion. The radiated tortoises live in dry areas and forests, where they can find abundant resources of food.

This tortoise is predominantly herbivore. They are diurnal, looking for grass, fruits and plants all day long. This forms about 75% of their diet. They even eat cactuses, but only certain kinds. The radiated tortoises are social, and they like to stay in groups, in areas where they can find food. An area covered by those tortoises is noticed immediately, because the grass is perfectly trimmed. In the areas where Opuntia cactus can be found, there are surely some radiant tortoises, as they like this cactus more than anything else. This cactus is useful for tortoises, as it contains proteins and fibers required especially by young exemplars to grow. 

It is almost impossible to have a radiant tortoise as a pet because of several considerations. First, they are protected by laws, so importing them in another country without a serious reason is forbidden. If you have the authorizations required for this, you will need to prove that you can create a habitat just like the natural ones. Third, considering the fact that they are rare, those tortoises are also expensive. If you want such a tortoise as a pet, you will need financial and logistic resources. In captivity, it is important to give the tortoises food that resembles with the cactuses, such as kale and chicory.

The males reach sexual maturity when they are 30 centimeters long, and the females reach theirs when they are 35 centimeters. The male starts his “attacks” by sniffing the female and circling her. Sometimes, the male has to immobilize the female, to prevent her from running away. In case another male is in the vicinity, a fight will probably start. The fight is violent, and usually, the male that suffers the first injury is considered defeated. Unlike other species, those tortoises don’t fight to death. The female lays 3-12 eggs in a hole of 15-20 centimeters, and then it is covered with sand. Incubation for this species lasts for a long time, for 5-8 months, and some of the nests are discovered and destroyed by predators during this time. The babies have a white color, they are really different from adults, but they will soon begin to change, a few weeks after being born. 

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 Characteristics of the Sulcata Tortoise

Important Tortoise Facts

The Box Tortoise and Hibernation

Important Tortoise Facts

The tortoises are amongst the most popular animals as pets. They are a part of the Testudo family. However, even if thousands of people want to have turtles, the lack of knowledge about those animals leads to premature death. It is important to create proper conditions if you want your pet to survive for a long time. Some tortoises can live up to 75 years, so when you buy a tortoise, you can consider that you bought a companion for the entire life. The tortoises will reach 20-30 centimeters on average at maturity, but there are smaller and bigger dimensions. The carapace is convex, especially in the central part and it is oval for the mature exemplars. The skin is covered with scales. Usually, the males are smaller than the females, but this is not valid for all the species.

The majority of tortoises are protected species, so hunting, selling or buying them is forbidden and punished accordingly. A common species that can be found commonly, and which is not under the danger of extinction is Testudo Hermanni, which has a yellow shell. The eyes are blue or black, and the young exemplars have black spots in the shell.

The tortoises need external heat sources to maintain the temperature of the body. They are active animals, which hibernate during the winter season. If you choose to have more than one, it is better to separate males and females, as those are aggressive and they might hurt the females. The best method to differentiate the males and females is the length of the tale. The tale of the males is significantly longer than the one of females, and they are also smaller.

Preparing the habitat is important for the health of your pets. The tortoises must be kept outside during the warm season, when the temperatures vary from 18 to 30 degrees. In this case, it is necessary to prepare a special place, as big as possible, preferable made of natural stones. Place a mix of sand and mud of at least 10 centimeters. It is important for the respective place to be ensured against escaping, as the tortoises are good climbers, and they also like to dig in the sand. Make sure that the tortoises can’t enter into contact with other animals, as conflicts will appear or the tortoises might be hurt. The habitat must be partially covered, so it will offer the tortoises a place where to withdraw in case of bad weather. You can offer them a wooden house, which you must introduce in the habitat. The uncovered part must be sunny, as the tortoises need sunlight. You can put stones in the interior of the pen. The tortoises behave the same in a free environment or in captivity. During the morning, they will get out of the house to eat, at lunch, when the sun is strong, they will withdraw and they will get out of the house the second time for another meal in the afternoon.

Taking Care of the Red Foot Tortoise

The red tortoise is a great companion, as they don’t require daily meals, they don’t leave hair around the house, they must not be walked, and they are also active and cute. They are also caring. For the adult tortoises, if you leave them free around the house, you will notice that they will look for you around the rooms, they will climb your shoes, and she will also want to stay with you on the couch when you watch TV. It is not proven that the red foot tortoise has the capacity to care, but the observation made by people raising red foot tortoises as pets state this matter.

As the red foot tortoise grows fast, it is important to secure a large space since the start, considering the fact that those are really active when they don’t hibernate. The tortoise is semi-aquatic, meaning that it needs to spend time on dry land and in water. However, they will spend a reduced time in water, so the shelter must be made of sand, grass and weed, rather than water. The tortoise has the tendency to hibernate during the winter, even if you ensure food and light, and for a few years, it is possible for it to hibernate. However, when the organism adjusts, the tortoise will probably stay awake during the winter, but this is only needed after a few years.

It seems complicated to take care of a red foot tortoise, but it is not that hard, as it adapts to the offered conditions. It is possible for it to get sick, but this happens rarely. They have sensitive eyes. They don’t like sudden temperature changes, so it is preferred to maintain a constant temperature in the house. Sometimes, they will need vitamins, and you can administrate those by dissolving them on water and food. The tortoises need to socialize, so don’t be surprised when she will take her head out of the carapace and she will look at you when you come home and talk.

The red foot tortoise is a friend that you will have for a lifetime, and this is not a word in vain. This tortoise lives for 30-50 years, so if you want one, you will take a long-term commitment. If you treat the tortoise with love and care, you will see that it will have the same behavior with you, but it will take some time, so you need to have patience with her, as it is just like a child that needs attention and care.

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The Box Tortoise and Hibernation

The Pinta Island Tortoise

The Pancake Tortoise
Taking Care of a Tortoise
The Greek Tortoise
The Russian Tortoise
The Egyptian Tortoise
Taking Care of a Baby Tortoise
Taking Care of Baby Turtles
The Decision of Having a Turtle as a Pet

Taking Care of the Leopard Tortoise

The Leopard Tortoise is almost extinct, so if you want to have one as a pet, you will have to talk with the local authorities. It will be hard to find a legal source to obtain it. Moreover, the authorities will want to make sure that you can give the tortoise the best conditions. Therefore, before talking with the responsible persons, you need to know how to prepare the habitat for a Leopard Tortoise.

Although the outdoor habitats are preferred, in case you live in an area where the winter is cold, you need to create a space inside the house. The aquarium is not recommended because it does not offer the horizontal surface required.  The space must be of 3-4 square meters, because the Leopard Tortoise can grow to 60 centimeters and even more. The walls must be high enough, preferably one meter. The space will not look so appealing, but you can make it with the help of a professional constructor, and in this case, it will be the little piece of relaxation in your house for your beloved pet.

On the bottom, put stones, soft sand and grass. Some rocks are also required, as the tortoise needs to hide. A small cave is recommended. Make sure that the light is put in a way that leaves the cave completely dark, as this will be the hideout of the tortoise whenever she is overwhelmed by the entire world.

The food for a tortoise is composed of grass, fruits and vegetables. However, the food can cause digestive problems, which will not only affect the pet, but also your senses, as the fecal will smell really ugly.

Heat is important for the Leopard Tortoise, which is used with warm humid areas. An UVB lamp of 100 watts is good, but you must put the shelter in a place that benefits of natural light during the day. Try to find a window and a place where the sunrays can enter the house for more than two or three hours a day, at least during the summer. Try to find lights with timers, so they will turn on only when they are needed. Otherwise, you will forget about it, and you will spend useless energy while the sun shines on your beloved tortoise.

Supplements are also important. The supplements can be bought from the local pet shop. The demand for calcium and minerals is high, especially if the tortoise is young. You should consult a veterinarian to estimate the required quantity of minerals needed.

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The Box Tortoise and Hibernation

Characteristics of the Sulcata Tortoise

The Indian Star Tortoise

The Pinta Island Tortoise

The Pancake Tortoise

The Greek Tortoise

The Russian Tortoise

The Egyptian Tortoise

 The African Spurred Tortoise


The Box Tortoise and Hibernation

The Box Tortoise is one of the hibernating tortoises. It is a common tortoise in USA and Europe, and unlike other turtles and tortoises, it is adapted for the cold weather in those areas. If you have a box tortoise as a pet, you will have to prepare him or her for the long winter that follows.

As soon as the days start to be shorter, the turtle will begin to be less active, and it will become slow. Soon, she will enter in hibernation, the latent state in which some animals sleep. The temperature of the body and the metabolism are reduced, and this is the way the tortoise gets over the winter.

However, why would a healthy reptile that has enough food need to hibernate? Well, the world simply does not have enough resources to understand hibernation, but it is clearly that this determines the health of the animal. The healthy tortoises deposit reserves of fat in the anterior period before hibernation. If they are not allowed to hibernate, the tortoise will become obese. It is considered that hibernation is necessary for the thyroid gland. There are also proves that hibernation helps the immune system. Hibernation is probably necessary in case you want your turtle to reach the maximum life.

In their natural environment, many tortoises hibernate from October to the end of February, or even at the beginning of April. The tortoises dig into the ground, isolating from the temperature modifications.

In captivity, the tortoises might not hibernate at all. As long as they have food and heat, they might not need it. Encouraging the tortoise to hibernate means to create an environment as close as possible to the real one, and also the reduction of temperature and light.

The box turtle that wants to hibernate will not have appetite anymore. If the environment and the lifestyle allows, she will begin to dig a hideout where she will spend the winter.

For a box tortoise, it is important to know a few things: 1. Did she hibernated before? Did she eat well? Was she consulted by a veterinarian?

The box tortoises and the ones that were kept at improper temperatures are not suited for hibernation. If you were able to record the weight of your pet, or if you don’t have a clear history of the box tortoise, it is better to leave hibernation for the next year.
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Characteristics of the Sulcata Tortoise

The Indian Star Tortoise

 The Pinta Island Tortoise

The Pancake Tortoise

The Greek Tortoise

 The Russian Tortoise

The Egyptian Tortoise

The African Spurred Tortoise

Is Tortoise Rescue Required?

 The ecologists are alarmed about the great number of tortoises that die on the coasts of Kenya. The largest number of deceases is owned to hunting, fishing, and to the fact that nobody monitors the tortoises in some important areas of the world.

In the world of terrestrial animal life, protecting the tortoise is mandatory. The decline of this species represents a barometer of the health of the entire ecosystem. Despite the legislation that protects the tortoises, those are still exploited for meat and eggs. Moreover, the habitats of tortoises are destroyed by the expansion of urban areas, and hundreds of exemplars die every year because of deforestation. With the current dying rate, the majority of tortoises will disappear in about 20 years. The future of the tortoise is unsafe if we can’t evaluate the dimensions of the disaster.

The tortoise is proverbial by its longevity, and only a few people know that it never gets old. The tortoises don’t die of age, they die because of diseases, and so many times, they end up dying of hunger, because at a venerable age, they simply don’t want to look for food anymore.

Researches show that the internal organs of the tortoise, even for the old exemplars have the same characteristics as the ones of a young one. In the Zoo of Calcutta, an exemplar that was supposed to be 250 years old died, but the internal organs looked exactly like the ones of a young one. It is possible to find tortoises that are even older, but this is not easy to prove.

The researchers were not able to find a logical explanation for this phenomenon. It is likely for the secret of longevity to be connected with the eating habits. The tortoises are omnivores usually, so they eat what they find, including vegetables, fruits, animals and insects.

There are more than 320 species of tortoises, spread around all the continents, with the exception or Antarctica. They are heavily protected against the predators, as their carapace is impenetrable. Under this aspect, the most dangerous enemy of the tortoise is the humankind, as they use them for food but also as pets.

One of the most important examples of extinct species is the one of Galapagos Islands. Here, several years ago, tortoises of 1.3 meters length and with a weight of 300 kilograms existed. For tourists, they are a great attraction, but there are even bigger exemplars. Those can only be found in their natural habitat, and they can weight almost one ton.

All the tortoises reproduce with eggs, which are buried by the female in the sand. The female leaves the eggs immediately after, and this is one of the most important reasons for which the tortoises don’t reach maturity in the majority of time. The babies hatch in 1-12 months, depending on the type of tortoise. Before mating, the female is courted by several males, which have to fight, and sometimes they hurt themselves pretty bad. However, nobody dies in this duel.

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The Indian Star Tortoise

The Pancake Tortoise

The Greek Tortoise

The Russian Tortoise

 The Egyptian Tortoise

Taking Care of a Baby Tortoise


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