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Akita puppies

The Akita race was created during the 18th century for hunting bears. The first Akita puppies appeared in the Japanese province with the same name. They are the national symbol, as they were used for so many tasks in the history of this country. It is one of the seven races declared nature monuments in Japan. It is a huge, impressive dog with a strong musculature, and with an imposing aspect. It gives the impression of distinction, and it is perfectly symmetrical. The body is a long and tall one, with a preeminent chest. The head is proportional with the body, with small ears.It is a smart an

Airedale puppies

The Airedale breed was created at the middle of the 19th century and it is the result of the crossing between the old English terrier with the Otterhound. The first Airedale puppies appeared in the Aire County in Yorkshire, and this is why the dog has this name. It is the biggest British terrier, being used for protection, for help for the Red Cross during the two World Wars, and for the most difficult tasks where dogs can be used.It is a big dog, with an elegant appearance and expressive eyes. The ears are small, in the form of the letter V. It is not pretentious, and this is why this dog is

Affenpinscher puppies

The Affenpinscher puppies are the cutest in the world! They are called the monkey dogs, because they are so fluffy. This breed was used to exterminate roaches during the 17th century, but it quickly became the favorite dog of royal families. It is a well proportioned dog, with a squared small head shape. It has a cute head, with beard and moustaches, and long eyebrows. The eyes are round, preeminent and with a dark color.  The tail is long and it can be shortened, while the fur can also be cut for a tidy aspect. It is a devoted dog, and it gets along just fine with kids.More Posts:Types

Yellow Rat Snake

 The Yellow Rat Snake is a popular choice for people that want snakes as pets. It is not so demanding, it makes little mess and he is also not pretentious when it comes to feeding. On the other hand, you will have to know how to identify this snake. Although those snakes are not venomous, they could get aggressive. It is also hard to identify a snake of this kind, as the Yellow Rat Snake looks like other common snakes. However, it is worth searching, as your pet will look beautiful in that aquarium. The Yellow Rat Snake is a common snake in America, so you could find it easily. However,

What are blind snakes?

Although this seems like a simple question, what are blind snakes has different answers. The blind snakes are not blind, as their eyes are only protected from ants by a thin layer of skin. Being cold-blooded reptiles, the blind snakes are able to detect any warm-blooded animal around them. They are non-venomous snakes with shiny and slippery scales. The question what are blind snakes is entitled, as sometimes those snakes can be mistaken with a dangerous poisonous snake. shape of the bodyThe blind snakes can be recognized by their long heads, long round bodies and the short tail with only one

Timber Rattlesnake

 The timber rattlesnake is the most common venomous snake in Kentucky, and also the biggest. This is why people are fascinated about this snake, and urban legends about it appear all the time. You can easily find and differentiate the rattlesnake from other species. It has a strong body, with cross-bands of a dark color, brown or sometimes even black. The stripes are always present, but some distinctive male rattlesnakes have a completely black color, and rumors say those are the most dangerous exemplars. The rattlesnake can also be differentiated by its tale, as it has a rattle at the t

Rat Snakes As Pets

The black rat snake is one of the largest American snakes, and also the largest non-venomous snake in Kentucky, being also great as a pet. The snake can have different colors, going from brown to black and sometimes yellow nuances. The snake is mostly recognized by the shape of its body, as it has light colored areas that can be easily observed in the sunlight. On the belly, the rat snake has a white to yellow color, and the bark saddles on the back are extended to the back of the tail. The rat snake likes to climb, so you will need at least one branch in the aquarium, but also rocks, huge st

Finding Great Danes Florida

The race Great Danes Florida was first recorded in Germany. Although it is known under this name, the Great Danes has no connection with Denmark whatsoever, so we could say this name is improper.The history and the origins of this race are complicated, and several theories about Great Danes Florida appeared.One of those theories says that those dogs were used since antiquity. This theory is sustained by a Greek coin from 36 B.C. having a picture of the Great Danes on it. However, it seems like those dogs were brought here by a migrating population from Asia. Aspect and dimensions of Great Dan

Finding Great Dane Rescue Oregon

The Great Dane is one of the most imposing dogs from our days. We are sure you have passed near a yard in the past, and a tall dog with a huge head started to bark at you with a loud tone. Well, that is the Great Dane, and it is truly impressive. If you want to adopt a dog and you have no ideas, you could think about Great Dane Rescue Oregon. You will save a puppy’s life, and you will enjoy a real dog that will be the best friend of your kids for many years now. In the past, the Great Dane Rescue Oregon was used for hunting huge animals, but today, it is only used as a watchdog and companion.

Lancehead Viper North America

The lancehead viper North America is considered a part of the pit-viper family that lives in the Northern part of South America, Central America and also the Southern part of the United States. It is also called the “ultimate viper”, as it is commonly known as one of the aggressive species of poisonous snakes. Moreover, their habitats are placed near human agglomeration, making the people vulnerable to their attacks. Because they are hunted merciless, the species is about to disappear from North America. You can’t differentiate the lancehead viper North America male from the female in the fir

Great Dane Information History And Origins

If you are thinking about buying a Great Dane as your pet, you should know some facts about those dogs. It is not like having a small cat. As you will find from this Great Dane information, this dog is demanding, and you will have to take care of him in order to remain healthy. The Great Dane is called German Sheppard in some countries, but we are practically speaking about the same family of dogs. The provenience of the name We couldn’t find any Great Dane information about the provenience of the name. It is commonly known that this dog has its origins in Germany, and the history of this rac

Poisonous spiders in Everglades

The Everglades is a wide area in the southern part of Florida that is considered a national park, being a low populated area covered with swamps. It is the ideal habitat for reptiles such as crocodiles and snakes, but also the perfect habitat for some dangerous spiders. Once a forgotten part of the USA, the area is visited by thousands of tourists every month, coming here because of the increased popularity of alligator hunting. While this flux of tourists is surely beneficial for the locals that are some of the poorest citizens of the United States, the habitats of the animals are affected.

How Big Can Garden Snakes Get

The garden snake is common in the state of Kentucky, and you can hear many local legends about oversized poisonous snakes. While the majority of them are not true, the question How Big Can Garden Snakes Get remains. Let’s try to answer to that question. How Big Can Garden Snakes Get: the Black Rat Snake The Back Rat Snake can be found near barns and in the backyards, as even if this is a harmless snake for humans, it likes to feed on mice and rats. This snake can easily reach the length of 72 inches, although snakes from this specie with a length of 100 inches and more were found. It is

Great Dane Information And Facts

Great Dane Information And Facts: How to recognize a Great DaneThe body, especially the one of the males can be inscribed in a square. The length of the body (measured from the shoulder to the base of the tale) must not be greater than the dog’s height. The Great Dane has three different varieties of colors: yellow and tiger, black and harlequin, and blueGreat Dane Information And Facts: the yellow dogThe color of the body contains the whole palette from yellow-gold to light yellow, and the black mask is appreciated. Those dogs that have white marks on the body must be avoided, as their race

Why Would You Need the Great Danes?

The Great Danes is a great companion dog, but also an agile guard for your home. The majority of them are not so welcoming with the strangers, but the friends and the family will be welcomed. Exercises The Great Danes are great, elegant dogs that need a lot of activity. They will enjoy the occasion of running in open areas and in the woods. They will learn how to walk with you really fast, and they can also run near a bike. In any case, make sure the Great Danes gets a lot of activity, at least in the first three years of life. The Great Dane is known with different names all around the world

Eastern Timber Rattlesnake

The Eastern Timber Rattlesnake is a reptile of the viper’s family, and it can be found on the territory of Kentucky. It has no subspecies currently, although locals say you can identify several kinds of Eastern Timber Rattlesnakes.The adults can grow to 30 inches, with an official record of 74 inches. However, this is only an official record, as larger rattlesnakes were found in Kentucky. It is a dangerous snake, as it is poisonous, and unlike other rattlesnakes that like to stay on rocks in plain sight, the Eastern Timber Rattlesnake prefers the dead leafs. This is why you can easily step on

Facts About Blue Great Danes

The Blue Great Danes is the most fascinating race of Danes Dogs. it is also the rarest, as this race was almost extinct during the 70’s “dog-mania”. However, the true raisers are trying to revitalize this race. let’s see some facts about the Blue Great Danes, so you would know how to take care of this demanding but also faithful dog. Feeding facts about the Blue Great DanesBecause of its special construction (big height, long neck, short body), the Blue Great Danes must not receive its food on the soil. You must place the food on a support, so he won’t be obliged to lower his neck too much. O

Kentucky Most Poisonous Snakes

Snakes are the most common animals in Kentucky, and despite the common reputation, they are beneficial for the environment. On the other hand, the fear of people and the increased environmental problems reduced the populations of snakes dramatically, and even if Kentucky is still a state where snakes can leave peacefully, some species might disappear in the future. There are more than 30 snake species in Kentucky, and only 4 of them are poisonous. Moreover, the majority of them live in non-populated areas, like the deep forests and the rocky and sunny areas. this is why accidents rarely happe

Common Snakes In Kentucky

Snakes are common in the state of Kentucky, and considering the great climate and the fauna and flora, the state is ideal for those animals. The common snakes in Kentucky have different sizes, characteristics and habits, and they are also the subject of local urban legends and stories. The smallest Kentucky snake has 7 inches, being more like a worm than a snake, but you can also find the impressive black rat snake with length of 6 feet or more. While the majority of people are scared about those snakes, considering them as dangerous animals, the passionate researchers and animal lovers are f

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