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How to Choose Your Pet with Turtle Photos

Why would people decide that they want turtles as pets? Just look on a search engine for turtle photos, and you will understand why those animals are so popular. However, just because they are cute in the photos, and because you think that they are easy to take care of, it does not mean that you are actually suited for taking care of a turtle. From the photos, you will see that a Galapagos tortoise is different from a European turtle, but do you know what this means when it comes to breeding those species? Let’s see how you can use the turtle photos to choose the species of turtle that you wa

Printable Picture of a Turtle


The Indian Star Tortoise

The Indian Star Tortoise (Geochelone Elegans) is an imposing tortoise, not especially because of its sizes, but because of the beautiful colors of the carapace. The yellow colors radiating on a black background makes this tortoise unique. However, beauty is a curse sometimes, and this was proven by the Indian Star Tortoise. During the last two centuries, considering the interest of Europeans and Americans for this species, they were hunted and caught. The problem is that those tortoises rarely adapt to the climate in other areas. Therefore, the majority of tortoises that reached the European

Best Pics of Turtles

People like to see turtles on the internet, especially photos of those in their natural habitats. The problem is that pics of turtles are always cute and interesting, while in the real life, it is a little harder to take care of such animals. The turtles are amongst the easiest animals when it comes to taking care of them as pets, because they don’t need to be walked, vaccinated and trained. However, this does not mean that they don’t require any kind of care.Turtles are sensitive to diseases. Especially if you buy a tropical one, which is not used with the cold weather in Europe and US, you

The Tortoise and the Hare Fable

 The Tortoise And The Hare is one of the most popular fables of the Greek philosopher and storyteller Aesop, a fable that is valid even today, 2500 years after it has been told for the first time. It is an educative story, which highlights the wisdom of tortoises. One day, a hare was bragging about his incredible speed, provoking all the animals in the forest for a run. His main target for jokes was the turtle. The hare laughed about her because she was so slow. The tortoise tried to ignore him for a while, but the hare was so insistent, that the tortoise decided to play the game. She st

Turtle Picture Frame

Love turtles?Why don't you put your family photos on these turtle picture frames!

The Green Tortoise

The Green Tortoise is also known as Caretta Caretta, and it lives at the bottom of the sea for their entire life. The Green tortoise is actually a turtle, because this is the difference between turtles and tortoises, but the name Green tortoise is also accepted. The lungs of those tortoises are well developed; ensuring perfect blood circulation, but the tortoise still has to come at the surface of the water to breathe.Even if it does not have the possibility to withdraw the head under the carapace, the Green tortoise does not have natural enemies, this is owned to the big size, and to the res

Turtle Pictures to Print and Color

Turtle Pictures to Print and Color

Turtle Photographic Print


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