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Growing the Sulcata Tortoises

The Sulcata tortoises are amongst the most popular types of tortoises. They are bought in stores when they have the size of a coin, and they can grow up to 50-60 kilograms. They live 100 years or even more, but because of lack of records, it is believed that they can live a lot more. If you want a Sulcata tortoise, you will have to prepare a special place for it. They are good climbers, so besides the generous space, it is important to make high fences. The Sulcata tortoise has its natural habitat in dry and hot areas, and if you want such an animal as a pet, you will have to ensure the same

Green Sea Turtle Pictures to Print


Taking Care of the Red Footed Tortoise

The Red Footed Tortoises are friendly, cute, and they are great as pets. However, taking care of those animals is not as easy as you assume. It is true that it is not as hard as taking care of a dog, but a minimum of care is required if you want to have a healthy tortoise. The Red Footed Tortoise eats leaf, fruits and supplements. It is important to ensure a good mix of those. This way, your turtle will be healthy for a long time. The leafy greens can ensure 70% of the food required by a red-footed tortoise. Lettuce, mustard greens and radicchio are perfect. At the beginning, only give them s

The Legend of Giant Tortoise

The representatives of the Testudo family, the giant tortoises live on Galapagos and the Tortoise Islands. They can live for 100-250 years, which allowed them to develop their own local variety, with distinctive forms of carapaces. It is unknown how those tortoises were discovered, but what is known is that they were so many, because of the good living conditions here, and because their long life allowed many generations to live at the same time. This leaded to a diversity and mixture of species. During the 17th and 18th centuries, the tortoises were hunted for food, by explorers. At a certai

Few Pictures of Turtles For the Kids

Kids love turtles more than the adults! Why? Because kids are smaller in size and turtles are smaller than the kids!!! Picture of a baby turtle Photo of a turtle for kids Image of a cartoon turtleRelated Posts:Tortoise Picture to ColorSea Turtle PicturesTurtle PicturesFunny Turtle Pictures

The Wonder Called the Galapagos Tortoise

The Galapagos tortoise is proverbial because of its longevity, and only a few people know that it never gets old. The Galapagos tortoises don’t die of oldness, but they are defeated by diseases, and they end up because of lack of food. At certain ages, they are simply too lazy and tired to look for food.Researches showed that the internal organs of the Galapagos tortoise are well preserved even after 100 years, and they have the same characteristics as the ones of a young tortoise. In Calcutta, a 250 years old Galapagos tortoise died a few years ago. It is likely for even older tortoises to e

The Characteristics of the Desert Tortoise

Welcome to my worldThe Desert tortoise is an herbivore reptile that resists even when the temperatures grow to 60 degrees Celsius, because of its capacity to dig galleries. This turtle spends its entire life in those galleries that offer shelter during the cold season, from November to march. The galleries can be simple, but also complex, spread on a few meters. The desert turtle can have tens of hideouts of this kind. Those can be used, in different periods, by several tortoises.The desert tortoise weights 5-9 kilograms and it measures 40 centimeters or even more. The shell is high, and the

Breeding and Taking Care of the Land Tortoise

The majority of land tortoises that are kept in captivity are herbivores. While in the wild, they can eat some animal proteins; this is not the base of their diet. Meat can be avoided in captivity, but in this case, it must be replaced with food from the pet store, which contains everything required by a tortoise to survive.The young land turtle eats every day. The older ones eat once every two days, considering the appetite. During the winter season, the older tortoises will eat once every two or three days.80% of the diet of a land turtle must be composed of fibers, and 10-20% can be fruits

Characteristics of Russian tortoises

The Russian tortoise is a special type of the Testudo family. It is adapted for the cold weather of Europe and Russia, although it can be found in other parts of the world. It is suited as a pet because it is easily adaptable, and it is common in pet stores. The Russian tortoises drink water. You will need to ensure enough quantity, but make sure that the tortoise can’t enter the recipient. Moreover, the water recipient in the pen must be fixed, as the tortoise will surely spill the water otherwise. The Russian tortoise digs a lot. The habitat of this tortoise must be made on a layer of sand

Giant Albatross Birds


Tortoise Picture to Color

Pretty interesting! When I searched for the tortoise picture to color on Google, I found some pictures of sunglasses! However, I was able to find few good tortoise pictures to color:

Taking Care of the Small Tortoise

Many people want a small tortoise as a pet. “Small” is a relative concept for tortoises, considering the fact that those measure from 10 centimeters to 2 meters, depending on the species. The European, Greek and Russian tortoises are considered small-average tortoises, which can reach 20-25 centimeters at maturity. Sure, you can find smaller tortoises, but those are the most common types that you can also find in your local pet store. The small tortoise is specialized for digging. Whether we are talking about the European and Russian tortoises that have to dig a hole to prepare hibernation fo

Most Important Types of Tortoises

The difference between tortoises and turtles is the fact that tortoise live on land, while the turtles prefer aquatic life. The tortoises can be considered land turtles. The species are related, but also different from many points of view. Let’s see the characteristics of tortoises, and the main types of tortoises. The tortoise is usually a middleweight turtle. It has 4 centimeters at birth and 15-30 centimeters as an adult. It is spread across the entire world. Even if they live their life on dry land, they can always be found near a source of water. They have a convex carapace, and their sh

Characteristics of the Radiated Tortoise

The Radiated Tortoise grows up to 40 centimeters, and it can weight about 15 kilograms. The radiated tortoise is considered one of the most beautiful, because it has some nice colors that can’t be found with many other tortoises. Moreover, its legs that look like the ones of elephants are also interesting. The name of this tortoise comes from the yellow stripes in the carapace, which looks like radiated rays. From this point of view, this tortoise looks alike the Indian Star Tortoise, but according to specialists, this tortoise looks a lot better. This tortoise is also bigger and it has a smo

Important Tortoise Facts

The tortoises are amongst the most popular animals as pets. They are a part of the Testudo family. However, even if thousands of people want to have turtles, the lack of knowledge about those animals leads to premature death. It is important to create proper conditions if you want your pet to survive for a long time. Some tortoises can live up to 75 years, so when you buy a tortoise, you can consider that you bought a companion for the entire life. The tortoises will reach 20-30 centimeters on average at maturity, but there are smaller and bigger dimensions. The carapace is convex, especially

Taking Care of the Red Foot Tortoise

The red tortoise is a great companion, as they don’t require daily meals, they don’t leave hair around the house, they must not be walked, and they are also active and cute. They are also caring. For the adult tortoises, if you leave them free around the house, you will notice that they will look for you around the rooms, they will climb your shoes, and she will also want to stay with you on the couch when you watch TV. It is not proven that the red foot tortoise has the capacity to care, but the observation made by people raising red foot tortoises as pets state this matter. As the red foot

Taking Care of the Leopard Tortoise

The Leopard Tortoise is almost extinct, so if you want to have one as a pet, you will have to talk with the local authorities. It will be hard to find a legal source to obtain it. Moreover, the authorities will want to make sure that you can give the tortoise the best conditions. Therefore, before talking with the responsible persons, you need to know how to prepare the habitat for a Leopard Tortoise. Although the outdoor habitats are preferred, in case you live in an area where the winter is cold, you need to create a space inside the house. The aquarium is not recommended because it does no

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