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World of Warcraft Yo Momma Jokes

What's more funny than World of Wacraft Jokes and Yo Momma Jokes? Ya right - The Wow Yo Momma jokes!Yo momma is so fat, she takes up 5 slots in a raid group! ●●●Yo momma so fat chain lightning hits her three times.●●●Yo momma is so fat, warlocks have to use 2 soulshards to summon her.●●●Your momma's so fat that when she logged into Stormwind she caused a global server crash.●●●Yo momma's so fat, that the place she farted, is now known as Un'goro crater.●●●Yo momma’s so fat that mages have to grease their portals and conjure cinnamon rolls on the other side to get her through.●●●Yo momma’

Top 15 funny sayings in court

☺☺☺ Was that the same nose you broke as a child? ☺☺☺ What happened then?He told me, he says, "I have to kill you because you can identify me."Did he kill you?☺☺☺ Was it you or your brother that was killed in the war?☺☺☺  Can you describe the individual?He was about medium height and had a beard.Was this a male or female?☺☺☺  Do you have any children or anything of that kind?☺☺☺  Now, Mrs. Johnson, how was your first marriage terminated?By death.And by whose death was it terminated?☺☺☺ She had three children, right?Yes.How many were boys?None.Were there girls?☺☺☺  What

Jokes / Funny polar bear jokes

Some very funny polar bear jokes and lines *** One day a baby polar bear step in front his mother with a confused expression on his face and says, "Mom? Am I a polar bear?""Well of course my dear!"The baby polar bear replied, "Are u sure I'm not a panda bear or a black bear?""Sure you’re not. Now run outside and play."But the baby polar bear is still confused so he approaches his father.And asks, "Dad, I a polar bear?" "Sure you are son!" the papa polar bear gruffly replies.The baby polar bear continues, "I don't have any grizzly bear or Koala bear in my bloodlines?""Nope son. I'

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