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Burmese Python Interesting Animal Facts

The Burmese python is an animal that falls into the category of reptiles. This is a kind of snake that is known for its large size. These snakes can grow anywhere between 16 and 23 feet long. If you take the time to think about it, this means that their length is more than twice the size of an average human. The Burmese python is considered to be a constrictor. This means that when it is hunting, it will kill their prey by squeezing it until it dies. It will then eat the prey that it has caught. Typically, these animals live as solitary creatures.

Finding a Really Big Elephant

You will notice that it is extremely easy to find a big elephant. This is because these creatures are some of the largest on the planet. Of course, there are other animals that are considered to be larger, such as whales, but there are not many animals that are larger than the elephant. When it comes to elephants, they will vary in size depending on their species. There are a few different species of elephants that are alive on the planet today. However, the main characteristic that these creatures have in common is that they are large, they have trunks, and they have large ears.   

Is There Really a Pink Elephant

You may not have ever seen a pink elephant; however, even though it does not happen a lot, there are pink elephants in nature. There are reasons why some elephants are pink in color. This condition occurs extremely rarely, and it can be found in the African elephant. There are scientists that believe that this condition is actually albinism in the elephant. There is a slim chance for albino elephants to survive because of the bright sun that is in Africa. The sun causes a lot of problems for any albino animals in this area because it can cause blindness as well as a list of other skin problem

Finding Information on a Specific Insect

If you are interested in finding more information on a specific kind of insect then you should know that there are a number of different places that you can go to in order to find this information. For example, if you are searching for information on a certain kind of butterfly that you have seen in your yard, then you can begin your search on the internet. Once you have figured out which kind of butterfly that you have found, and then you may want to go to your local library in order to seek more information on this insect. Libraries are full of books that you can use to find all of the info

Various Kinds of Garden Insects

People that have gardens will notice a number of different garden insects that live there. Some of these insects are actually helpful to your plants. For example, bees and butterflies are wonderful kinds of insects to have in your garden. This is because they help your plants and flowers to be able to grow. They go from flower to flower and help to pollinate them. However, you should keep your eyes open for any kinds of insects that may be causing problems in your garden. Check to make sure that you do not have any insects in your garden that are harming your plants.    Pill bu

Giraffes and the Jugular Vein

The jugular vein that runs the length of the giraffe's neck is an extremely important part of them being able to drink water. This vein has a number of valves that reduce the amount of backflow of blood from the giraffe's head.This is important because if this vein did not have the valves, the giraffes would blackout each time that they took a drink. If you stand on your head or hang upside-down too long, you can begin to feel the blood that rushes into your head. This is kind of the same thing that happens to giraffes, only it has a major effect on these animals.

The Symbiotic Relationship of Giraffes

If you have ever seen videos or pictures of giraffes that are out in the wild, you may notice that a lot of them seem to have birds as companions. These birds are known as oxpeckers or tick birds. These birds and the giraffes have a kind of symbiotic relationship. The tick birds eat the ticks and mites that could get onto the giraffe. If these parasites are allowed to stay there, then the giraffe can become really sick. However, tick birds are able to take care of this job because they eat the ticks and mites that can be found on the giraffe's skin.Related Posts:Symbiotic relationship of butt

How Much Water Giraffes Drink

Giraffes have to be careful when they are drinking. These animals are most prone to being attacked by their predators while they are drinking. This is because they have to stand in an extremely awkward position in order for them to be able to reach the water. The giraffes can get a lot of the water that they need from the leaves that they eat; however, this does not take care of all of the water that they need. Typically, giraffes can drink about 10 gallons of water each day. Normally, they will get water from the rivers and seas that are around them.


The emu is a flightless bird that is rather large in stature. It is considered to be the second largest bird in the world. Emus can only be found on the continent of Australia. These birds have soft feathers that are light brown in color. They have long necks, dark colored beaks, and two incredibly strong legs. Emus are omnivores, and they will eat whatever they can find. These birds have been known to eat stones and tin cans accidentally along with the insects, leaves, and other items that they eat. The female emu will lay eggs in a nest that the male has made.      

Giant Tarantula Interesting Animal Facts

 Tarantulas are an interesting arachnid in the animal kingdom. These are one of the largest spiders that exist in the world, and they are found in a variety of different places. Depending on the area that you are in, you will find different species of tarantulas. These animals are carnivores, and they typically eat other bugs and spiders as a part of their diet. In the wild, tarantulas can live up to 30 years. As for their size, this varies between the different species. However, some of the largest ones can have a leg span up to 11 inches in length.


The wombat is a medium sized marsupial that walks on all fours. These mammals live in grassy areas, and are known for burrowing. Wombats are considered to be the largest burrowing animal, and they can make burrows that extend for over 650 feet. When it comes to being safe from predators, the wombat will make smaller burrows that will extend only 7 feet. This is just enough for the wombat to have a place to hop into if they sense that there is danger in the area. Wombats have a number of characteristics that allow them to easily burrow under the ground such as sharp claws and compact bodies.


 The yak is a member of the bovine family, and has long, shaggy fur. Yaks can be found in some areas of Asia, Mongolia, and Russia. These animals have been widely domesticated; however, there is still a small population of yaks that are wild. Yaks live in herds that consist anywhere from 10 to 100 of these animals. The yak is an herbivore, and mainly eats grasses while it grazes. In the wild, these animals can live between 15 to 20 years. These bovines can weigh from 650 to 2,200 pounds. Since yaks are so large, people have domesticated them to help them in their daily tasks. These anima


The peafowl is a bird that is most commonly known as the peacock. These kinds of birds are most recognizable because of their brightly colored feathers. Of course, just as with most birds, the male of the species is the one that has bright feathers, and the female is brown and white. When the male peafowl is trying to impress a female for mating, he will fan out his feathers in a beautiful display. The peafowl can be found in areas of Pakistan and India. These birds were also located in Bangladesh; however, they are now thought to be extinct in this area of the world. The peafowl is an o

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