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Yo Mama Jokes / Ugly, Stupid and Fat

Yo momma is so stupid she got hit by a parked car.Yo mama so ugly that when she moved on elm street freddy kruger moved out.Yo mama is so fat i took a picture of her last and it’s still printing!Yo momma so stupid she locked herself in a motorcycle.Yo momma so ugly she went into a haunted house and came out with a job application.

Yo Momma Jokes / So Fat and Ugly

Yo mamma  so fat that when she saw the ocean she said “oh a kidy pool” Yo mama so ugly when she looked in the mirror Michael Jackson came out and said "Beat it bitch!"Yo momma so ugly that when she looked in the mirror her reflection ran away.Yo mama so ugly she has to have plastic surgery every month.Yo momma so ugly, she turned the blind man to stone!

Yo Momma Jokes / So Dumb...

Yo mama so dumb she hears it’s chilly outside so she gets a bowl.Yo mama so dumb she told everyone that she was “Illegitiment” because she couldn’t read.Yo mama so dumb she watches “The Three Stooges” and takes notes.Yo mama so dumb she went to Disney Land and saw a sign that said “Disney Land - Left” so she went home.Yo mama so dumb, she went to March Madness on a September LSB!

Yo Momma Jokes / So Stank, Dumb, Fat, Poor and Old

Yo mama so stank, the only dis I want to give her is a disinfectant.    Yo momma's so dumb she thought the Board of Education was a piece of wood.   Yo mamas so fat, she couldn't fit in a satellite photo.   Yo mama so poor, she can’t afford a freestyle.   Yo mama is old she sat behind Jesus in her school photo.

Yo Momma Jokes / So...Hilarious :)

Yo Mama is so stupid she saw a yellow bus with white kids in it and thought it was a Twinkie!Yo momma so fat, she can only get a boyfriend through gravity.Yo mama's so nasty she made right guard turn left. Yo mama's so fat she uses a paint roller for lipstick. Yo mama's so stupid i saw her yelling in an envelope i said wat are you doing she said sending voice mail.

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