Minggu, 20 Oktober 2013

The Pancake Tortoise

The pancake tortoise (Malocochersus tornieri) is a species of the savannah, which can be found in rocky areas covered by roots in eastern Africa. It can be met at altitudes of 1800 meters. It has the capacity to escalade rocks with ease, but also to enter the small caves between the rocks. The carapace is resistant and flexible, and this way, the tortoise can escape when it is in danger. It can also protect the anterior members from the attacks by rotating those and hiding them under the shell.

The adults can reach 14-17 centimeters, and they can also reach 20 centimeters. The maximum weight is 350 grams for males, but the females can reach 550 grams. The female is always bigger than the male. The differences between sexes is easily noticeable not only because if sizes, but also because of the models on the shells. The female has a diverse drawing, with brown and golden nuances, and the male has brown stripes that appear on brown nuances. This is why the drawing is colored intensely. The legs are thicker for the male, and he has sharper claws.

The pancake turtle can be grown in captivity, in a temperature of 28-30 degrees Celsius. The humidity must be low. If you buy a pair, you need a habitat of at least one square meter, and with a height of at least 40 centimeters. On the bottom of the shelter, you need to put a sand layer of 10 centimeters. In one corner, you must put a few rocks where the turtle can hide like in the natural environment. The water must not miss from the shelter, but the level must be of 1.5 centimeters. The pancake turtle is herbivore, and you need weeds, fruits and vegetables. Cabbage and salad are also great, and during the winter, you can give those carrots, apples and other fruits.

The reproductive period lasts from January to March. The males are aggressive; they fight each other for mating. The female lays one egg of 35 grams, several times. If you want to grow baby tortoises in captivity, you need a layer of sand of more than 10 centimeters, as the tortoise wants to burry the eggs. The incubation period lasts up to 188 days, and the babies have a length of 4 centimeters.

The pancake turtle is almost extinct, and a vulnerable species that must be treated with care.

Baby pancake tortoise:

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