Why does dog lick paws?

Dogs lick paws for different reasons. The most common reason is cleaning. Dogs are not as clean as cats, and they are less concerned about that, but they do want to stay clean. This is why they lick their paws after running, or after walking into mud.

Another reason for that are wounds. Dogs are wounded often, because they step into spikes, roots and all kinds of harmful things. By liking paws, they try to ease the pain, although it is not the best idea. If you see your dog liking paws, you might want to check if there are some wounds there. If not, just leave the dog alone. It means that he is only cleaning, or he is just bored.

When do dogs stop growing?
Is dog insurance worth it?
When do dogs go into heat?
Why do dogs shake?
When do dogs stop teething?
Why do dogs have whiskers?
How do dogs get fleas?
Why does dog pee kill grass?
How do dogs get worms?
Why does dog lick paws?
How does dog breeding work?
Where dogs came from
How are dogs and wolves different?
Relationship between dogs and wolves
How dogs were domesticated
Where dogs live
Where dogs like to be rubbed
When dogs die
Why dogs eat grass
Why dogs lick people
Why dogs howl
When dogs eat grass
When dogs lick you?
When dogs throw up?
When dogs attack?
How dogs were domesticated?
How dogs drink water?
How dogs mate?
Are dogs carnivores?
Are dogs color blind?
How dogs see?
Are dogs allowed on trains?
Are dogs mouths clean?
Is dog food good for dogs?
Is Dog Island Real?

Why does dog pee kill grass?

Usually, dog pee does not kill grass, but if this happens, it means that the dog or the grass have a problem. There are two reasons for that: the dog might have digestive problems, and if the liquids are not digested as they should, the urine of the dog is acid. In this case, you should change the food of the dog, or you should get him to the veterinarian to determine what the actual problem is. If there is nothing wrong with the dog, it means that your lawn is of bad quality. It is not normal for grass to be destroyed by dog’s pee as long as it is quality grass. 

When do dogs stop growing?
Is dog insurance worth it?
When do dogs go into heat?
Why do dogs shake?
When do dogs stop teething?
Why do dogs have whiskers?
How do dogs get fleas?
Why does dog pee kill grass?
How do dogs get worms?
Why does dog lick paws?
How does dog breeding work?
Where dogs came from
How are dogs and wolves different?
Relationship between dogs and wolves
How dogs were domesticated
Where dogs live
Where dogs like to be rubbed
When dogs die
Why dogs eat grass
Why dogs lick people
Why dogs howl
When dogs eat grass
When dogs lick you?
When dogs throw up?
When dogs attack?
How dogs were domesticated?
How dogs drink water?
How dogs mate?
Are dogs carnivores?
Are dogs color blind?
How dogs see?
Are dogs allowed on trains?
Are dogs mouths clean?
Is dog food good for dogs?
Is Dog Island Real?

How do dogs get worms?

Intestinal worms at dogs are common. Sometimes, you will not even realize that the dog has worms.  However, if your dog has an increased appetite, or on the contrary, he does not want to eat at all, the parasites might be to blame.

The dog usually gets worms from the food that he eats. If you leave the dog to wonder around the park, make sure that he does not find something to eat. Expired meat, milk, or even some foods that you don’t usually give to the dog might be the cause for worms. You can determine if the dog has worms by examining his excrements. The treatment is complex, it requires 3-4 days of break for the dog, in which period it is good to leave the dog to rest.

When do dogs stop growing?
Is dog insurance worth it?
When do dogs go into heat?
Why do dogs shake?
When do dogs stop teething?
Why do dogs have whiskers?
How do dogs get fleas?
Why does dog pee kill grass?
How do dogs get worms?
Why does dog lick paws?
How does dog breeding work?
Where dogs came from
How are dogs and wolves different?
Relationship between dogs and wolves
How dogs were domesticated
Where dogs live
Where dogs like to be rubbed
When dogs die
Why dogs eat grass
Why dogs lick people
Why dogs howl
When dogs eat grass
When dogs lick you?
When dogs throw up?
When dogs attack?
How dogs were domesticated?
How dogs drink water?
How dogs mate?
Are dogs carnivores?
Are dogs color blind?
How dogs see?
Are dogs allowed on trains?
Are dogs mouths clean?
Is dog food good for dogs?
Is Dog Island Real?

How do dogs get fleas?

Fleas are parasites of dogs, which can be found in grass, or in places that are not so clean. However, the most important reason for which the dog gets fleas is the contact with other diseased dogs. Fleas are transmitted easily from one dog to the other. If you want to prevent that, the best method is to use the powders from the veterinarian. Make sure to buy a powder that does not affect the dog. Don’t just buy a powder from the local pet store, as it might give your dog some rashes and itches. The veterinarian is the only person that can determine exactly what type of flea powder is required for any type of dog. 

When do dogs stop growing?
Is dog insurance worth it?
When do dogs go into heat?
Why do dogs shake?
When do dogs stop teething?
Why do dogs have whiskers?
How do dogs get fleas?
Why does dog pee kill grass?
How do dogs get worms?
Why does dog lick paws?
How does dog breeding work?
Where dogs came from
How are dogs and wolves different?
Relationship between dogs and wolves
How dogs were domesticated
Where dogs live
Where dogs like to be rubbed
When dogs die
Why dogs eat grass
Why dogs lick people
Why dogs howl
When dogs eat grass
When dogs lick you?
When dogs throw up?
When dogs attack?
How dogs were domesticated?
How dogs drink water?
How dogs mate?
Are dogs carnivores?
Are dogs color blind?
How dogs see?
Are dogs allowed on trains?
Are dogs mouths clean?
Is dog food good for dogs?
Is Dog Island Real?

Why do dogs have whiskers?

Dogs need to have their senses sharp, to be alert all the time, and to be prepared for any danger. Their senses are diversified and sharper than the ones of humans. One of the important senses is the one of smelling. The whiskers of the dog help him to “pick up” smells from the air, and to identify the difference between those. Another role of whiskers is for touching. The dogs touch objects with their whiskers, determining the consistency and the special characteristics of the object. If you want to cut the whiskers of your dog to look more interesting, just forget about it. How would you feel if you would not be able to smell or taste? 

When do dogs stop growing?
Is dog insurance worth it?
When do dogs go into heat?
Why do dogs shake?
When do dogs stop teething?
Why do dogs have whiskers?
How do dogs get fleas?
Why does dog pee kill grass?
How do dogs get worms?
Why does dog lick paws?
How does dog breeding work?
Where dogs came from
How are dogs and wolves different?
Relationship between dogs and wolves
How dogs were domesticated
Where dogs live
Where dogs like to be rubbed
When dogs die
Why dogs eat grass
Why dogs lick people
Why dogs howl
When dogs eat grass
When dogs lick you?
When dogs throw up?
When dogs attack?
How dogs were domesticated?
How dogs drink water?
How dogs mate?
Are dogs carnivores?
Are dogs color blind?
How dogs see?
Are dogs allowed on trains?
Are dogs mouths clean?
Is dog food good for dogs?
Is Dog Island Real?

Kamis, 26 Juni 2014

Why do dogs shake?

Shaking is one of the funniest things that you can teach your dog. The answer to the question “why dogs shake” is simple: because their owner trained them how to do that, and because they can. It is not required to call as special trainer. Shaking is one of the simplest things to teach for dogs. Training can begin at 4-5 months, and the puppy will learn how to shake in 1-2 weeks. Of curse, this also depends on the intelligence and breed of the dog. Anyway, even if your dog is not as intelligent as others, learning how to shake is not such a difficult task. 

When do dogs stop growing?
Is dog insurance worth it?
When do dogs go into heat?
Why do dogs shake?
When do dogs stop teething?
Why do dogs have whiskers?
How do dogs get fleas?
Why does dog pee kill grass?
How do dogs get worms?
Why does dog lick paws?
How does dog breeding work?
Where dogs came from
How are dogs and wolves different?
Relationship between dogs and wolves
How dogs were domesticated
Where dogs live
Where dogs like to be rubbed
When dogs die
Why dogs eat grass
Why dogs lick people
Why dogs howl
When dogs eat grass
When dogs lick you?
When dogs throw up?
When dogs attack?
How dogs were domesticated?
How dogs drink water?
How dogs mate?
Are dogs carnivores?
Are dogs color blind?
How dogs see?
Are dogs allowed on trains?
Are dogs mouths clean?
Is dog food good for dogs?
Is Dog Island Real?

When do dogs stop teething?

The teeth of puppies grow until the age of 4-5 months. However, those are the baby teeth, just like in the case of humans. At this age, you will see the dog exploring around with his mouth, chewing on anything that he finds. It is a difficult period for the dog owner, especially because the teeth will start to fall, and to be replaced with the mature teeth. Those will grow until the age of 8 months. If the dog continues to chew objects around the house, it means that the teeth are not to blame. In this case, only a professional trainer might help the dog to “forget” about this annoying habit. 

When do dogs stop growing?
Is dog insurance worth it?
When do dogs go into heat?
Why do dogs shake?
When do dogs stop teething?
Why do dogs have whiskers?
How do dogs get fleas?
Why does dog pee kill grass?
How do dogs get worms?
Why does dog lick paws?
How does dog breeding work?
Where dogs came from
How are dogs and wolves different?
Relationship between dogs and wolves
How dogs were domesticated
Where dogs live
Where dogs like to be rubbed
When dogs die
Why dogs eat grass
Why dogs lick people
Why dogs howl
When dogs eat grass
When dogs lick you?
When dogs throw up?
When dogs attack?
How dogs were domesticated?
How dogs drink water?
How dogs mate?
Are dogs carnivores?
Are dogs color blind?
How dogs see?
Are dogs allowed on trains?
Are dogs mouths clean?
Is dog food good for dogs?
Is Dog Island Real?

When do dogs stop growing?

A dog usually grows for 2-3 years, but they can be considered mature at the age of three. However, it depends on the race and on the size of the dog. It is really important to determine the race, before establishing the age. A rough estimation ca be done considering that one year in the life of a dog corresponds to seven years in the life of humans. This means that a dog will grow until the age of 3, because that will be the age when e or she is 21, right?

If you don’t have records about your dog, it is impossible to estimate how old he or she is. Considering the race, a veterinarian can make an accurate estimation.

When do dogs stop growing?
Is dog insurance worth it?
When do dogs go into heat?
Why do dogs shake?
When do dogs stop teething?
Why do dogs have whiskers?
How do dogs get fleas?
Why does dog pee kill grass?
How do dogs get worms?
Why does dog lick paws?
How does dog breeding work?
Where dogs came from
How are dogs and wolves different?
Relationship between dogs and wolves
How dogs were domesticated
Where dogs live
Where dogs like to be rubbed
When dogs die
Why dogs eat grass
Why dogs lick people
Why dogs howl
When dogs eat grass
When dogs lick you?
When dogs throw up?
When dogs attack?
How dogs were domesticated?
How dogs drink water?
How dogs mate?
Are dogs carnivores?
Are dogs color blind?
How dogs see?
Are dogs allowed on trains?
Are dogs mouths clean?
Is dog food good for dogs?
Is Dog Island Real?

Is dog insurance worth it?

Dog insurance is a relatively new service that is offered by insurance companies. As it is a new service, it is expensive. The company will evaluate the insurance considering the breed of the dog, and its value. However, the “value” of your dog is inestimable. Maybe an insurance company could ask you to pay $20 a month for insuring the dog, and in case you lose it or it dies from some disease, you will be compensated, but we all know that money will not bring your beloved pet back. Overall, it is worth it to take insurance for the dog if you are concerned about money, or if you have a rare dog for competitions, but you should consider that losing your dog is a sad event, and some money from the insurance company will surely not comfort you too much. 

When do dogs stop growing?
Is dog insurance worth it?
When do dogs go into heat?
Why do dogs shake?
When do dogs stop teething?
Why do dogs have whiskers?
How do dogs get fleas?
Why does dog pee kill grass?
How do dogs get worms?
Why does dog lick paws?
How does dog breeding work?
Where dogs came from
How are dogs and wolves different?
Relationship between dogs and wolves
How dogs were domesticated
Where dogs live
Where dogs like to be rubbed
When dogs die
Why dogs eat grass
Why dogs lick people
Why dogs howl
When dogs eat grass
When dogs lick you?
When dogs throw up?
When dogs attack?
How dogs were domesticated?
How dogs drink water?
How dogs mate?
Are dogs carnivores?
Are dogs color blind?
How dogs see?
Are dogs allowed on trains?
Are dogs mouths clean?
Is dog food good for dogs?
Is Dog Island Real?

When do dogs go into heat?

The female dogs go into heat once or twice a month. During this period, she will howl, showing her “availability” to male dogs. The owners of female dogs that are in heat must be very careful, because they might run away easily. Even if you have a faithful dog that does not run often, during the heat periods, it is likely for the dog to run away. You can think about sterilizing the dog. In this case, the female dog will not feel the natural feeling of mating, and she will not have the same “symptoms”. Moreover, she will not spread the common smells that alert the male dogs. 

When do dogs stop growing?
Is dog insurance worth it?
When do dogs go into heat?
Why do dogs shake?
When do dogs stop teething?
Why do dogs have whiskers?
How do dogs get fleas?
Why does dog pee kill grass?
How do dogs get worms?
Why does dog lick paws?
How does dog breeding work?
Where dogs came from
How are dogs and wolves different?
Relationship between dogs and wolves
How dogs were domesticated
Where dogs live
Where dogs like to be rubbed
When dogs die
Why dogs eat grass
Why dogs lick people
Why dogs howl
When dogs eat grass
When dogs lick you?
When dogs throw up?
When dogs attack?
How dogs were domesticated?
How dogs drink water?
How dogs mate?
Are dogs carnivores?
Are dogs color blind?
How dogs see?
Are dogs allowed on trains?
Are dogs mouths clean?
Is dog food good for dogs?
Is Dog Island Real?

Minggu, 22 Juni 2014

Dog Park

There are parks for children and elders where we go in the morning and in the evening to do some exercises. In every modern city we can see health-conscious People are doing exercises in the parks. But now, as the number of pet lovers are growing, these parks are not only used by the human beings, but also used by the animals. People are going to the parks with their pets. Running or walking with your pet is really a nice idea. But you cannot be with your pet all the day. Your pet will feel lonely when you will be working in the office or when you will be dating with a woman! The pet should also get a chance to date with the opposite gender! The dog parks can be a nice idea. In dog parks, you can leave your dog and it can play with other dogs. Well, if it is a female dog, then we cannot guarantee that it will not be pregnant!

Sabtu, 21 Juni 2014

Benefits of Purchasing Adopt an Animal Gift Pack





Adopt an animal gift pack is ideal for people who cannot keep pets. This can be done locally, where you sponsor a specific animal or a local shelter. Adopt an animal gift pack can also include wild animals where you can adopt a tiger, polar bear, rhino, dolphin or even a orangutan just to name a few.

Each adopt an animal gift pack comes with a newsletter from the organization, a cuddly toy for the sponsored animal, the fact sheet, a car sticker and a customized A4 certificate. You can easily purchase adopt an animal gift pack for yourself or for a close friend and your proceedings go towards helping the animal.

You can get the available adopt an animal gift pack by going online. There is nothing more satisfying to someone who loves his animals like knowing that you have helped a certain animal somewhere you don’t have to get one personally but you can sponsor one.

Jumat, 20 Juni 2014

Time to Save Animals That are Endangered

Many animals that had existed in the world cannot be today and many existing (animals that are endangered). It is high time that humans had taken necessary steps to save these animals. There are thousands of animals, birds, fish, birds and different types of toads that are endangered today. Even though numerous steps are taken to safeguard these species, it is still doubtful whether man can really help these endangered animals to survive for some more time.

There are many environmentalists, nature lovers, animal welfare professionals fighting for a same cause to helps and safeguard these animal to survive as long as possible. Most of these animal shelters and animal safeguarding groups run on charities. These charities have to run successfully to ensure the endangered animals live as long as possible on the planet. These good causes run by people across the world with better campaigning and awareness creating helps them to gain necessary charity funds to safeguard the animals endangered.

Rabu, 18 Juni 2014

Contribute to Save Endangered Animals

Many species that had existed in our planet centuries ago do not exist today. At the same time, many endangered animals today might disappear from our planet in the future. However, we can help these animals to survive by safeguarding it. The first step that needs to be taken to save these animals is to stop hunting for them. A recent study on endangered species showed that tigers might disappear if they are not safeguarded. The total number of tigers existing on the planet has reduced drastically in the last decade.

Today, many endangered species are safeguarded by the endangered species act. Similar acts safeguard wildlife species and across the world. Therefore, the only method to save them is by contributing your share to save these species to animal welfare associations. Numerous animals are on their last stage of their survival such as whales, salmon, wolves etc. So, help and contribute your share to save the endangered plants and animals.

Selasa, 17 Juni 2014

Time To Save All Endangered Species

There are more than 1500 endangered species on our planet. These plants and animals had survived on the planet since the early ages. However, the governments of every country is doing their part to safeguard the remaining endangered plants and animals by implementing strict rules and laws against those poaching and killing them. Few endangered animals are tiger, Ethiopian wolf, Simien fox, bay cat, turtles etc. The list goes on since there are so many endangered animals on the planet. It is the same case with plants. 

However, the Government is taking necessary actions in saving the existing wildlife and safeguarding them from being destroyed. These are also numerous types of fishes that are endangered due to the development of fishing industry. Certain pesticides are also banned in the north side since it might destroy all salmons in the country. Many environmentalists are trying to safeguard these species.  Therefore, it is important that we stop the hunting and deforestation.

Senin, 16 Juni 2014

Save Animal Species By Contributing Your Effort

It is a known fact that many animals are tortured and killed across the world every year. The only way to stop killing is by adopting animals and safeguarding them. It is a simple process to adopt an animal. There are many animal welfare centers, pet centers that have thousands of animals in to be adopted. If every single family has a pet, we could help these animals survive on planet earth. Even though there are many animal lovers and professionals working hard to create awareness among people about the importance of adopting animals.

Various studies states that the number of animals hunted and tortured every year is on the rise. The only method to reduce the atrocities on animals is by creating awareness about helping animals survive on the planet.  Therefore, walk in to a local pet store, adopt an animal that you like in there, and safeguard it.

Thousands of Animals Waiting to be Adopted

Nowadays, many animal lovers and animal welfare professionals spent most of their time to save and adopt animals. They help people with similar interests to adopt as many animals as possible. There are animals lovers in the country who have 30-40 pets at home. These animal lovers help to change the life span of the animals. However, you can also adopt these animals from any pet centers and other animal welfare centers. There are thousands of animals waiting to be adopted in these animal welfare centers across the country. You can adopt any one species and have your friends or relatives adopt them as well. This will change the life of these animals forever.

You can get many species of animals in these pet centers that are waiting to be adopted. It is a simple and easy process in adopting an animal. Therefore, go to the nearest pet center today and adopt any of the animals you find in there.

Minggu, 15 Juni 2014

Adopt an Animal to Save its Species

Have you ever planned to adopt an animal? It would be a great idea to adopt them and to save them. There are many animal species outnumbered today due to human negligence. Adopting any animal can save the particular animal and most probably the species as well. There are many animal welfare professionals working hard on safeguarding and saving these animals. They save each and every animal that they find is in danger and safeguards them in various animal welfare centers. However, you can select an animal from these centers and adopt to help the animals lovers to save them.

By adopting an animal, you are saving the animal and helping the animal welfare professionals to save another animal or species. There are many places or pet stores where you can find animals that are for adoption. Therefore, you can save an animal today by adopting it and help its species to survive on the planet.


Adopt an Animal – Save an Animal

There are many animal lovers in the country willing for animal adoptions. These animals can have better life when an animal lover adopts them. This could be different life for the animals. In most of the pet centers and animal welfare centers, there are hundreds of animals to be adopted. Day by day, animals in these centers increase for which animal welfare professional create animal adoption gifts and other products to raise money to look after the animals in the center. This is why most animal lovers begin to adopting animals and save their life.
Adopting animals can really help the animals to survive in the world. In most cases, these animals are saved, brought from various places. Therefore, special cares have to be given to them to ensure they live longer life. These animals are given proper care in the animal welfare centers but it is not easy for the welfare professionals to look after so many animals at the same time. Adopting an animal can save these animals from being endangered species.

Learn how to Adopt an Animal from the Virtual Animal Adoptions Website

Thanks to the virtual animal adoptions website you can easily own your own virtual pet. It is however important to follow the instructions listed on the animal adoptions website correctly. These virtual centers allow you to own your own pet and put on your website with no charge.

There are a number of animals available from the adoption centers like the spider, pig, duck, hamster, tiger, penguin and bunny just to name  a few. The first step when you want to adopt an animal from the virtual animal adoptions website is to select a pet and give it a name. Then you need to copy a code given on the animal adoptions website and paste it on the website you mean to place the animal.

The virtual animal will function depending on the instruction you give it by using the mouse. You however don’t need to have your own website to adopt a virtual animal from the virtual animal adoptions website.






Kamis, 12 Juni 2014

The Power of the Dog

The Power of the Dog
Rudyard Kipling

There is sorrow enough in the natural way
From men and women to fill our day;
And when we are certain of sorrow in store,
Why do we always arrange for more?
Brothers and sisters, I bid you beware
Of giving your heart to a dog to tear.

Buy a pup and your money will buy
Love unflinching that cannot lie--
Perfect passsion and worship fed
By a kick in the ribs or a pat on the head.
Nevertheless it is hardly fair
To risk your heart to a dog to tear.

When the fourteen years which Nature permits
Are closing in asthma, or tumour, or fits,
And the vet's unspoken prescription runs
To lethal chambers or loaded guns,
Then you will find--it's your own affair--
But ... you've given your heart to a dog to tear.

When the body that lived at your single will,
With its whimper of welcome, is stilled (how still!)
When the spirit that answered your every mood
Is gone--wherever it goes--for good,
You will discover how much you care,
And will give your heart to a dog to tear.

We've sorrow enough in the natural way,
When it comes to burying Christian clay.
Our loves are not given, but only lent,
At compound interest of cent per cent.
Though it is not always the case, I believe,
That the longer we've kept 'em, the more do we grieve:
For, when debts are payable, right or wrong,
A short-term loan is as bad as a long--
So why in--Heaven (before we are there)
Should we give our hearts to a dog to tear?

The Power of the Dog
Rudyard Kipling

Rabu, 11 Juni 2014

Dog imitates baby

No one except the baby can understand the dog's language!

Sabtu, 07 Juni 2014

The Rush For Ivory: the War for the White Gold of Africa

Far away from the indiscrete eyes of the civilized world, a mute and sad genocide happens. The victims of massacre are the giants of Africa, the elephants. They are slaughtered by thousands every year, even now, during the 21st century. The kind and intelligent elephants are threatened by human greed, and if the phenomenon continues, their extinction is inevitable.

The teeth that bring money

The fascination of humans for the white fangs of elephants is older than the current civilization. Since immemorial times, people that lived in caves used the fangs to create weapons, icons, or even to use those for constructing shelters.

Therefore, commerce with ivory is one of the oldest forms of trade in nature. For millenniums, the fangs of elephants, hippopotamus and even walruses were traded for other goods. Even so, the most precious fangs were the ones of African elephants. The interest exists even today, and this leads to the disappearance of the biggest and most interesting terrestrial mammal.

Let’s not be tempted to blame only the slaughtering by the modern people. This rush for ivory leaded to the disappearance of the elephants from Northern Africa 1000 years ago. The tendency was reduced until the 19th century, when the demand for ivory exploded. During this century, the Western Africa populations of elephants were destroyed. At the beginning of the 20th century, almost 1000 tons of ivory were sent every year in Europe. The two world wars stopped this massacre for a while. During wars, the demand for luxury products is reduced, and this was maybe the luck of elephants, for a while.

After the wars, the greed for luxury of the new rich people of the planet was also mirrored in the things they owned. For example, the flaps of pianos of rich people were made of authentic ivory. Of course, they also needed statues made of ivory, as well as dices and all kinds of useless objects that can be made of any other common material.

 A surprising importer of ivory was Japan. Ivory was used for manufacturing some traditional seals, so during the 80’s, 40% of the ivory exported by African countries went to Japan.

In the year 1979, almost 1.3 millions of elephants lived on the African continent. In 1989, the population was reduced to 600 000. This means 75 000 elephants killed every year. The situation was alarming especially because the poverty of African countries. Locals had nothing else to do around here, so hunting the elephants was their only preoccupation. Some the European and American countries tried to impose an embargo on the commerce with ivory, but all those initiatives failed.

However, the poverty and hunger in Africa was too strong for the attempts of some organizations. Even if some countries decided to forbid the imports of ivory, the African “businesspersons” continued to export ivory in the Asian countries and in Japan.

The situation is the same even today. In the National Park of Garamba, in Congo, the elephants are shot by the Uganda soldiers, which then push the borders to claim their prizes.

Africa is maybe the most fascinating continent in the world, but it suffers a lot because of poverty. The Blood diamonds from Sierra Leone, the mineral riches robbed from Congo completes the massacre of elephants, and they are also sources of wars and murders. The phenomenon will not stop soon. On the contrary, we can only hope that it will stop before the disappearance of the last African elephant, which would be the end of an era in the history of this planet. 

Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

Whales hunting: Crimes of Ignorance and Greed

For thousands of years, people hunted dolphins and whales for different purposes. It seemed like a dark hate vendetta of humans against the quiet and peaceful giants of seas and oceans. The genocide started in immemorial times, but the true problems started about 200 years ago. The situation is not changed even today. Companies earn immensely from killing whales, and they continue to find new methods to cheat the international laws, which have the goal of protecting the biggest animals on Terra. In those conditions, the survival of whales is a responsibility for the human race.

The Rush For Whale Fat

The true Armageddon of the innocent animals started with the rush for whale oil, which is obtained by melting the fat. It was widely used for illuminating, or as an ingredient for soap and margarine manufacturing.

When large cities started to illuminate the streets during the night, the demand for whale fat increased. Whale hunting was a flourishing occupation during the 19th century. Hundreds of ships from France, England, USA and Norway were sent to find the grey whales, but also those from Greenland. Surprisingly, the larger whales were spared, because they were too resistant for the hand-launched harpoons, and too fast for the vessels of harpooners.

In the 20th century, solidification of fat was discovered. This increased the demand for whale fat, because it was possible to use it to manufacture margarine, butter, and even cheese. Currently, under the specter of worldwide hunger, a whale is used completely, and nothing is thrown away.

The meat is sterilized and conserved for consumption, while the bones and the fat are used for different oils. With hydrogenation, the unpleasant smell is eliminated, so the whale fat can be used in the cosmetics industry. From bones and cartilages, it is possible to make fertilizers and food for pets. Even the whale milk is important, as it is considered a luxury aliment.

The Harpoon that changed their faith

The situation of whales was deteriorated when the steam-propelled ships were invented. The whales-hunter ships became more sophisticated.

In 1836, the Norwegian Sven Foyn invented a new type of harpoon, with a lethal potential. Compared with the classic harpoons, this was a weapon capable of killing the massive blue whales. In 1925, the harpoon cannons were invented, sealing the faith of the largest whales forever.

The canons were capable to launch long harpoons, having an exploding instrument at the top. When the whale’s skin was penetrated, the device exploded, causing massive bleeding. The instrument was fatal for any kind of whale.

A future without whales?

This question will be answered pretty soon, if the incriminated countries will not renounce this criminal branch of industry. Along the time, several proposals were made, with the goal of protecting the remaining whales, but for some species, it was too late. 

In 1871, whales’ hunting in the Arctic Ocean was forbidden, and in 1905, partial hunting restrictions were imposed in Norway, Iceland and Svalbard Islands. The law that saved many species of whales was given in 1931, as a result of the intervention of the League of Nations. It was finalized in London, in 1937.

Despite those laws, the Japanese, Norwegian and Icelandic governments have economic interests about whales, because the whale’s products are still popular and demanded in those countries. The majority of people from those countries don’t approve whales hunting, but the market still exists. In 2006, the hunting season was closed by authorities before the term, as the local whale’s meat market was already saturated.

In Japan, 5000 containers with whale meat stay in refrigerated areas, unsold and unwanted. However, the Japanese traditional whale hunters simply don’t have other perspectives. This is why they continue to hunt, and they will do so even if they can barely find buyers. As long as the laws allow them, they will continue to practice their horrifying jobs.