Minggu, 30 Maret 2014

Akita puppies

The Akita race was created during the 18th century for hunting bears. The first Akita puppies appeared in the Japanese province with the same name. They are the national symbol, as they were used for so many tasks in the history of this country. It is one of the seven races declared nature monuments in Japan.

It is a huge, impressive dog with a strong musculature, and with an imposing aspect. It gives the impression of distinction, and it is perfectly symmetrical. The body is a long and tall one, with a preeminent chest. The head is proportional with the body, with small ears.

It is a smart and proud dog, courageous and equilibrated. It has a strong hunting instinct also, and it socializes a lot.

Jumat, 28 Maret 2014

Airedale puppies

The Airedale breed was created at the middle of the 19th century and it is the result of the crossing between the old English terrier with the Otterhound. The first Airedale puppies appeared in the Aire County in Yorkshire, and this is why the dog has this name. It is the biggest British terrier, being used for protection, for help for the Red Cross during the two World Wars, and for the most difficult tasks where dogs can be used.

It is a big dog, with an elegant appearance and expressive eyes. The ears are small, in the form of the letter V. It is not pretentious, and this is why this dog is so popular.

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Kamis, 27 Maret 2014

Affenpinscher puppies

The Affenpinscher puppies are the cutest in the world! They are called the monkey dogs, because they are so fluffy. This breed was used to exterminate roaches during the 17th century, but it quickly became the favorite dog of royal families. It is a well proportioned dog, with a squared small head shape. It has a cute head, with beard and moustaches, and long eyebrows. The eyes are round, preeminent and with a dark color.  The tail is long and it can be shortened, while the fur can also be cut for a tidy aspect. It is a devoted dog, and it gets along just fine with kids.

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Sabtu, 22 Maret 2014

Yellow Rat Snake

 The Yellow Rat Snake is a popular choice for people that want snakes as pets. It is not so demanding, it makes little mess and he is also not pretentious when it comes to feeding. On the other hand, you will have to know how to identify this snake. Although those snakes are not venomous, they could get aggressive. It is also hard to identify a snake of this kind, as the Yellow Rat Snake looks like other common snakes. However, it is worth searching, as your pet will look beautiful in that aquarium.

The Yellow Rat Snake is a common snake in America, so you could find it easily. However, finding its habitat is harder, as they prefer the deep forests and the quiet rocks where they could bathe in the sun.

The rat snake also likes the vicinity of farms and barns. As its name says, the rat snake loves to feed with rats and mice. In fact, the most experienced farmers like to have at least one of those snakes around, as it will substantially diminish the populations of rodents.

If you know the black rat snake, it will be easy to identify the Yellow Rat Snake also. It has the same shape, and the only difference is the color and the size. While the black rat snake is one of the largest non-venomous snakes in USA, the yellow cousin of this snake is a part of the medium sized category of snakes.

Although the name implies the yellow color, this kind of rat snake can also have other nuances, such as brown and sometimes even some green reflexes. They have four distinctive lines along their body, and usually those lines have a black color. Your Yellow Rat Snake will change its skin several times, so it will change its color as long as you own it. This is maybe the main reason for this snake to be preferred as a pet.

No matter what color your snake has, the eyes have the same color as the body. There are also controversies about the taxonomy of this snake, as some specialists say that the Yellow Rat Snake is not related with the black rat, and it is more like a pine snake. Indeed, there are some resembling aspects between the yellow snake and the pine snake, but science proved that the yellow and black snakes are related and a part of the same family of snakes called the quadrivittata. 

The Yellow Rat Snake needs a large aquarium of 5 feet or more length and with a height of 3.5 feet. The snake likes to climb those branches and to rest on the plain surface. You can use sand, rocks, and even leafs, but make sure the surface is not too moist. Even if the snake likes the humid environment, it is the perfect place for bacteria, and your pet might get sick. Water must also be present in the aquarium, but make sure the drinking water is placed far from the place where the snake likes to bathe.

Kamis, 20 Maret 2014

What are blind snakes?

Although this seems like a simple question, what are blind snakes has different answers. The blind snakes are not blind, as their eyes are only protected from ants by a thin layer of skin. Being cold-blooded reptiles, the blind snakes are able to detect any warm-blooded animal around them. They are non-venomous snakes with shiny and slippery scales. The question what are blind snakes is entitled, as sometimes those snakes can be mistaken with a dangerous poisonous snake.

shape of the body

The blind snakes can be recognized by their long heads, long round bodies and the short tail with only one row of plates. However, the best method to distinguish a poisonous snake from a harmful one is to look at their eyes. The venomous snakes have vertical pupils, while the other species have horizontal ones.


The blind snakes hunt mainly in the night, and some of them are also great climbers, being able to hunt asleep birds in the trees. Usually, the blind snakes are small, so they would rather hunt termites and roaches, but some larger species can go for small birds and rats. The majority of them have the behavior of earthworms, hiding in the earth and running from fights with larger enemies. They are also able to use the termite galleries, so they can go from one place to another in a short period.


The blind snakes reproduce by laying eggs. The maximum length of a blind snake is 40 centimeters, and they can be found in South America and Southwest Asia. More than 300 different species were found, but it is believed that more species can be found in the depths of the Amazonian forest. The blind snakes are not so careful with their eggs, so only 10 % will hatch. The eggs are the perfect food for rats and small birds, and the blind snake is not so great at camouflaging a nest.

The blind snake is an endangered specie in many parts of the world. It can be found practically everywhere, but the majority of habitats are compromised or destroyed. With the deforestation of the Amazonian forest, it is estimated that more than 100 species of blind snakes disappeared.

The blind snake likes to hunt after the rain when the insects come out of the ground. The blind snakes are not blind, but they are sensitive to light. Usually, they have a uniform black color, but the nuances might also be of green and yellow. They also have a slippery appearance that makes people to confuse them with worms. There are no venomous species of blind snakes, and they are also useful for gardens, preventing the termite’s invasions. The bigger species are useful for barns and shelters, as those blind snakes have a huge appetite for mice and locusts. In some parts of Asia, they are considered an exclusive food that can only be found in the 5-star restaurants. 

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Rabu, 19 Maret 2014

Timber Rattlesnake

 The timber rattlesnake is the most common venomous snake in Kentucky, and also the biggest. This is why people are fascinated about this snake, and urban legends about it appear all the time.

You can easily find and differentiate the rattlesnake from other species. It has a strong body, with cross-bands of a dark color, brown or sometimes even black. The stripes are always present, but some distinctive male rattlesnakes have a completely black color, and rumors say those are the most dangerous exemplars.

The rattlesnake can also be differentiated by its tale, as it has a rattle at the top. Usually, those snakes will not rattle if they are not provoked. The majority of snakes would rattle instantly when danger is detected, but the rattlesnake uses this gift to attract the eventual prey, but also to announce dangers around them.

Fortunately, the rattlesnake can hardly be found in urban areas, and even the small isolated homes scares them. you can find this snake in the forests, especially in the rocky areas around rivers. The snake likes to bathe in the sun on the south facing slopes, hunting for squirrels that are their favorite food. The rattlesnake can stand still for hours waiting for the prey, and its color is helpful to deceive the small mammals. However, it is the most feared snake in Kentucky, and even if attacks on humans were not signaled often, the rattlesnake has the capacity to fight you. It is a fierce predator, but a non aggressive specie unless provoked.

The rattlesnake has a color resembling with the environment, and this is why they are hard to detect, and the majority of humans that reported being attacked by a rattlesnake stepped on it accidentally. However, even this case is rare, as the rattlesnake is able to detect motion and sounds, so they will hide in case somebody gets close.

The females will have their first babies at the age of 5 years old. The babies are born alive during the fall. The rattlesnake lives more than the other snakes, an a healthy male could live up to 25 years. however, the population of rattlesnakes in the world is threatened, and Kentucky remains one of the fewest places in the world where the rattlesnake is not an endangered species.

The rattlesnake is a venomous snake, and one of the most dangerous species if attacked. It belongs to the vipers family, a family that has two pit openings located on the sides of the head. Those pits are the most important weapons of the venomous snakes, as they are effective in lowering and stopping the vital functions of the warm blooded animals. The venomous snakes, including the rattlesnake can be easily recognized by its vertical pupils, as all the other harmless snakes in Kentucky have horizontal eyes. Of course, the rattle at the end of the tail is also a characteristic, and you should be careful when you hear that sound around you in the middle of the forest.

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Selasa, 18 Maret 2014

Rat Snakes As Pets

The black rat snake is one of the largest American snakes, and also the largest non-venomous snake in Kentucky, being also great as a pet. The snake can have different colors, going from brown to black and sometimes yellow nuances. The snake is mostly recognized by the shape of its body, as it has light colored areas that can be easily observed in the sunlight. On the belly, the rat snake has a white to yellow color, and the bark saddles on the back are extended to the back of the tail.

The rat snake likes to climb, so you will need at least one branch in the aquarium, but also rocks, huge stones and a cave for the snake to hide. The natural habitat is the vicinity of farms and barns where the rat snake can feed with mice and other small animals. Before purchasing of catching a rat snake as pet, make sure you have food of this kind to provide.

Besides the common black rat snake, you can also think about the corn snake that is also called the red rat snake. However, this animal can only be found in the central part of the state and in the eastern side, and it is also endangered specie. The red rat snake is also a climber, but he also likes to dig underground searching for mice and other rodents. An aquarium of the red rat snake must be half covered with soil, and you should also build some tunnels. Make a secured whole in the aquarium and introduce the mice directly in the ground. Don’t worry, as the snake will easily find it.

You can also let the rat snake out of its cage from now and then, but be careful, as if you step on his tail, he can become aggressive. The rat snake is usually a lazy animal sitting around his cage and waiting for food all day long. Take it out in the sun whenever you have the possibility, and don’t leave it with your kids. Although the rat snake is not aggressive, it can harm your kids in case it feels threatened.

Other Kentucky snakes are suited for being pets, but people prefer the rat black snake because of its aspect and beautiful colors.

Senin, 17 Maret 2014

Finding Great Danes Florida

The race Great Danes Florida was first recorded in Germany. Although it is known under this name, the Great Danes has no connection with Denmark whatsoever, so we could say this name is improper.

The history and the origins of this race are complicated, and several theories about Great Danes Florida appeared.

One of those theories says that those dogs were used since antiquity. This theory is sustained by a Greek coin from 36 B.C. having a picture of the Great Danes on it. However, it seems like those dogs were brought here by a migrating population from Asia.

Aspect and dimensions of Great Danes Florida

Characterized as the equivalent of the god Apollo from the Greek mythology amongst dogs, the Great Danes Florida means a noble aspect, force, pride, and elegance. This race is a part of the gigantic races of dogs. It is strong, with a well proportioned body, with a short back, a lifted chest, and straight strong legs. It has a medium length tail that sits down if the dog is sitting, but it also curves nicely when the dog is in action.

The Great Danes Florida has an expressive long head, rounded around the eyes. It also has a long snout, with extremely white teeth. The dark colored eyes have a medium size, rounded shape, and a smart intelligent look. The ears are hanging on the lateral sides of the body. Although in the past it was a habit to cut the dogs ears with surgery for a better aspect, it is forbidden to apply this technique in the majority of the European countries and the United States. The neck is long, lean, without wrinkles.

The Great Danes has short fur, soft and shiny, and it has different colors: blue, black, white, shiny yellow and brown.

The personality of the Great Danes Florida

The Great Danes is a trustworthy dog, brave and resistant, but also friendly and loyal to the master and his family. It is an equilibrated dog that doesn’t attack without a reason, but could become aggressive if he is provoked by man or animals.

Family relationship

The Great Danes Florida dogs are great family dogs, as they are gentle, devoted to the master and the family, careful and friendly. It is a quiet dog, tolerant and playful with kids, and loves them like no other dog. You can leave your child in the park with the Danes for a whole day, and you can be sure the dog will give his life to protect the child.

Life conditions of the Great Danes Florida

This race needs daily walks and movement, so they will be really happy if you can provide them with a big yard where he could easily run. However, they can also live in an apartment, but you must allow him decent time for movement every day.


Along the years, the Great Danes was used as a hunting dog, fighting and guarding dog. In our days, it is used as a companion and defender, but it is also a great watchdog for houses, farms and other objectives.

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Minggu, 16 Maret 2014

Finding Great Dane Rescue Oregon

The Great Dane is one of the most imposing dogs from our days. We are sure you have passed near a yard in the past, and a tall dog with a huge head started to bark at you with a loud tone. Well, that is the Great Dane, and it is truly impressive. If you want to adopt a dog and you have no ideas, you could think about Great Dane Rescue Oregon. You will save a puppy’s life, and you will enjoy a real dog that will be the best friend of your kids for many years now.

In the past, the Great Dane Rescue Oregon was used for hunting huge animals, but today, it is only used as a watchdog and companion.

The height of the Great Dane during its maturity years is 80 centimeters for males and 72 centimeters for females. This is not the maximum standard, but people are generally looking for those dimensions. All the dogs from the Great Dane Rescue Oregon program will probably reach those dimensions in their fourth year of life. In any case, your dog should weight more than 50 kilograms, but the average weight of those dogs is 60-70 kilograms.


The Great Dane Rescue Oregon has a short and soft fur with three main colors accepted: yellow ( it is also accepted with stripes), black ( the white spots and stripes are also accepted, but check the pedigree carefully before mating your dog with one of those exemplars), and harlequin.
Unfortunately, the blue harlequin is rarer in the latest years, and you must be patient before finding a pedigree mate for your dog. In some countries, only two colors are accepted: Mantel – with a black fur covering the dog like a mantle, or with a white fur. Don’t mate exemplars with different colors!

Taking care of the Great Dane Rescue Oregon

The fur doesn’t need too much care. During the shedding period, it is better to use a rubber brush to remove the extra hair.

The Great Dane needs his own soft place to stay, as sitting directly on the floor will deform the bones after a while. The races are growing fast, and they need special care during the growing period. The most important aspect is the nutrition. The second one is exercising and training. Avoid extenuation, as this dog plays as long as you let him. Especially during the growing period, the exercise daily period needs to be balanced. The Great Dane Rescue Oregon is not suited for a cage, and he will enjoy all the comfort you can give to him 


It is often said that a robber can easily enter a house guarded by a Great Dane Rescue Oregon, but he can’t leave. Just like other dogs from the Mastiff family, those dogs have a high level of accepted pain, so an affection could go unnoticed for a long period. The only method to avoid illness problems is to check your dog often to the veterinary. The Great Dane Rescue Oregon will not complain unless the problem is severe, and sometimes it might be too late to treat it.

Sabtu, 15 Maret 2014

Lancehead Viper North America

The lancehead viper North America is considered a part of the pit-viper family that lives in the Northern part of South America, Central America and also the Southern part of the United States. It is also called the “ultimate viper”, as it is commonly known as one of the aggressive species of poisonous snakes. Moreover, their habitats are placed near human agglomeration, making the people vulnerable to their attacks. Because they are hunted merciless, the species is about to disappear from North America.

You can’t differentiate the lancehead viper North America male from the female in the first months of their lives. The female starts growing faster after the seventh month of her life, reaching an average length of 2.5 meters. The males will have a maximum length of 2 meters. The biggest lancehead viper North America weights over 7 kilograms, but legends speak about bigger and longer lancehead vipers.

The colors resemble with the ones of the common vipers, with combinations of stripes and diamonds on the back and with a white to yellow belly.

The lancehead viper is clearly a snake with origins in South America, but it expanded with the development of transportation and industrialization. The lancehead viper North America has a great adaptability, and the vipers brought accidentally with trains and goods transporters were able to adjust quickly to the new environment. However, the lancehead viper from North America developed some unique characteristics during the last 200 years.

The lancehead viper North America has an aggressive behavior, a large habitat and the ability to travel a lot searching for new hunting grounds. They like the semi-populated areas, and the deserts. This snake is also one of the fewest that is able to attack from an uncoiled position. Its strike is deadly and smart: it tends to go past you and to slide quickly to bite from behind.

The lancehead viper stops eating after a few days of pregnancy, and it has several mating seasons over a year. The female will start hunting immediately after giving birth, and the male guards the babies during this period.

The lancehead viper is one of the deadliest snakes in North America, and only the Crotalus is considered more dangerous. The lancehead is responsible for 50 % of snakebites registered in the South side of United States, with a fatality factor of 10 % in 1950. However, with the antivenin solutions of the modern hospitals, the fatality percentage is close to 0.

The lancehead viper North America is easily irritated by any threatening presence in its range. It is one of the fewest snakes in North America that prefers to fight instead of running, as it considers its habitat important. It is also unpredictable, as it lacks the commonly known attack patterns of other poisonous species.

The symptoms of a bite are nausea, pains, swelling and vomits for 36 hours if the wound is untreated. In the majority of deaths caused by the lancehead viper, septicemia was to diagnostic. The lancehead viper can also be mistaken with other species of non-poisonous snakes, making it even more dangerous.

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Jumat, 14 Maret 2014

Great Dane Information History And Origins

If you are thinking about buying a Great Dane as your pet, you should know some facts about those dogs. It is not like having a small cat. As you will find from this Great Dane information, this dog is demanding, and you will have to take care of him in order to remain healthy. The Great Dane is called German Sheppard in some countries, but we are practically speaking about the same family of dogs.

The provenience of the name

We couldn’t find any Great Dane information about the provenience of the name. It is commonly known that this dog has its origins in Germany, and the history of this race is complicated.

The firs explanation about the name Great Dane is given by the specialized French documents, where this dog was called “danoise”, which means “dog with spots”. Another weird explanation is that the name was given to the Yellow Dog, as those dogs are tall and blonde, just like the Danish people. Although this Great Dane information is pure fiction, the explanation was accepted by some French and German dog lovers.


We have Great Dane information about the origins of the race. The theory that has been generally accepted is the next one: during the V century, a migrating population called the Visigoths invaded Gaul, Italy and Spain, bringing those big and strong dogs. They were used for fighting, and they were effective. The Visigoths remained on those territories, and they were easily absorbed by the local population. Their trustful dogs were also adopted by the local population, but they were easily domesticated. The Great Dane dogs that we see today are the followers of those fight dogs, and this is why they are so powerful.

Medieval Era

The Great Dane information about the medieval era is ambiguous, and the interest for the dogs was insignificant during those times. However, they were raised for two purposes: fight and hunting. The war dogs had to be courageous and fierce to face the enemy, but those qualities must also be doubled by pure force. The Great Dane dogs were used for hunting bears and boars, and they had to be strong enough to kill or chase those huge animals, but they also needed their speed and agility. The race was called Alain that time, but the name was changed in Dog by the German people, name that was adopted by the Saxons for all the canine races. However, the word Dog was firstly used just to name the big races.


In 1879, a group of German dog passionate reunited different types of big dogs under the same race called the German Dog. However, the English people refused to adopt this name, and the Danish people tried to prove with papers that this race originates in their country. Based on those papers, the name Great Dane was adopted by the majority of Europeans, but the name German Dog or German Sheppard also remained. However, nobody could contest the German origins of this dog.

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Kamis, 13 Maret 2014

Poisonous spiders in Everglades

The Everglades is a wide area in the southern part of Florida that is considered a national park, being a low populated area covered with swamps. It is the ideal habitat for reptiles such as crocodiles and snakes, but also the perfect habitat for some dangerous spiders. Once a forgotten part of the USA, the area is visited by thousands of tourists every month, coming here because of the increased popularity of alligator hunting. While this flux of tourists is surely beneficial for the locals that are some of the poorest citizens of the United States, the habitats of the animals are affected. The authorities try to limit this effect, as it is known that some species of poisonous spiders in Everglades are about to disappear.

In the world, there are more than 32 000 species of spiders. The Everglades is the host for almost a quarter of those species, and the habitat of the greatest number of poisonous spiders. The poisonous spiders in Everglades are currently classified and researched by specialists, because of their great value for medicine.

However, the majority of Everglades’s spiders are harmless, although their bite might cause irritations and strong allergic reactions. It is important from any tourist coming to Everglades to know how to identify the poisonous spiders in Everglades because of two reasons: first, it is recommended not to kill a non-poisonous spider in Everglade, and second, the poison of those venomous spiders can be stronger than the timber rattle’s venom.

Some of the poisonous spiders in Everglades live on their own webs, while the majority of them would rather stay in the ground, making the webs only for feeding purposes. This is why, while the majority of people would look up to identify the poisonous spiders in Everglades, they can be commonly found on the ground.

The most reputed spider in Florida is the Black Widow, although there are some species in Everglades that are more poisonous that this spider. However, the black widow gained its popularity because the female eats the male while mating, transforming it into food for the future babies. A bite of the Back Widow causes nausea, pains, headaches and violent vomits, but they are rarely deadly. Especially if treated fast, the symptoms will disappear after a few hours.
One of the most poisonous spiders in Everglades is the Brown Recluse, and the antivenin serums are not so effective against this kind of bite. The wounds are extremely painful, causing the skin to fall off. Initially, it is only a small red point, but the wound spreads fast and it could cover a large portion of skin in a short period.

Those are only the most reputed poisonous spiders in Everglades, as they are also the most venomous. However, there are other smaller species that will cause rashes and irritations, and the best idea if you are bitten is to consult a doctor instead of waiting to see “what kind of bite is”.

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Rabu, 12 Maret 2014

How Big Can Garden Snakes Get

The garden snake is common in the state of Kentucky, and you can hear many local legends about oversized poisonous snakes. While the majority of them are not true, the question How Big Can Garden Snakes Get remains. Let’s try to answer to that question.

How Big Can Garden Snakes Get: the Black Rat Snake
The Back Rat Snake can be found near barns and in the backyards, as even if this is a harmless snake for humans, it likes to feed on mice and rats. This snake can easily reach the length of 72 inches, although snakes from this specie with a length of 100 inches and more were found. It is also the biggest snake that can be found in the state, and it also makes a great pet.

Milk Snake

One of the most common garden snakes found in the Kentucky backyards is the milk snake. In fact, its name comes from a legend claiming that this snake is able to suck milk from cows. While this is only a legend, the milk snake is a common appearance in barns and cellars because of the huge appetite of this snake for mice. The smallest milk snakes have a length of 6 inches, and the mature exemplars could reach 36 inches. Some people claim that they have seen milk snakes with a length of 100 inches, but as we are talking about a “legendary” snake, we can’t consider this as a suited answer for the question How Big Can Garden Snakes Get.

Eastern Garter Snake

The Eastern Garter Snake is a relatively small reptile that can be found in the urban areas. It is a small specie with a minimum length of 5 inches, and with a maximum of 26. This is one of the most common species of snakes, as it adapts well to the urban environment, and it can be commonly found in the backyards of the town houses.

Smooth Earth Snake

While the Black Rat Snake could grow to a length of 100 inches, the Smooth Earth Snake would never have more than 10. It is the smallest snake that you can find in the garden, and it is also a harmless one. It can easily be mistaken with an earthworm, but its characteristics make it a snake.

The Southeastern Crowned Snake

The Southeastern Crowned Snake is also a small specie that could easily adapt to any kind of environment. Besides the forests and the rocky areas, this snake can also be found in the backyards, so it can be considered a garden snake. This specie can also grow at a length of maximum 10 inches.  
As you can see, the answer to the question How Big Can Garden Snakes Get is different. While the smallest garden snakes could have 5 inches or less, the biggest exemplars of the black rat snake could easily go over 100 inches. The venomous snakes can also reach impressive sizes, but those are not garden snakes, so they are not the subjects of this debate.    

Selasa, 11 Maret 2014

Great Dane Information And Facts

Great Dane Information And Facts: How to recognize a Great Dane

The body, especially the one of the males can be inscribed in a square. The length of the body (measured from the shoulder to the base of the tale) must not be greater than the dog’s height.

The Great Dane has three different varieties of colors: yellow and tiger, black and harlequin, and blue

Great Dane Information And Facts: the yellow dog

The color of the body contains the whole palette from yellow-gold to light yellow, and the black mask is appreciated. Those dogs that have white marks on the body must be avoided, as their race is compromised, and the pedigree is not clean.

Great Dane Information And Facts: Tiger Great Dane

The base color has all the yellow nuances, having black stripes arranged in the direction of the ribs, and they are also perfectly regulated. The black mask is also great.

Great Dane Information And Facts: The harlequin Great Dane

The base color is pure white, without colored grey spots, but with intense black areas. The spots must be placed random, and they also have different sizes. Grey spots or areas means the pedigree is compromised.

Great Dane Information And Facts: The black Great Dane

The black Great Dane has a uniform black color, although the white areas are accepted. From this race, we can distinguish the exclusive Dogs with mantle. They are called this way, as the black color covers their entire backside, and the chest is white. However, the Mantle Dog can have a white mantle and a black chest.

Great Dane Information And Facts: Blue Great Dane
It has a blue-steel color, but the white marks on the chest are accepted.

Great Dane Information And Facts about health

During the 70s, a so-called “dog mania” appeared. The Great Dane was one of the most wanted races, so the mating was made without considering the quality of the parents. This is why the weak quality dogs appeared: ill puppies, abandoned dogs and other problems. Many people took bought a Great Dane just because it was in style, but they soon discovered they don’t know how to take care of this dog. Many experienced raisers say that the race still has to suffer because of those 10 years of “dog-mania”

If you want a Great Dane, you must be certain you can feed and educate him, and you must also ensure the space needed for a huge dog. If you decided about a puppy of Great Dane, you will need to prepare some money for its daily care. The Great Dane puppy grows fast, but not as fast as a small one. He reaches its full maturity at the age of three. as a puppy, the Great Dane needs quality food, vitamins, and an increased attention from the owner. until the age of two, he will eat 3-4 times a day, and 2 times a day after this age. If you are putting the daily portion of food in front of the dog at once, you will risk a huge problem: a gastric distortion-dilatation and this is the main death cause of the adults Great Dane dogs.

Senin, 10 Maret 2014

Why Would You Need the Great Danes?

The Great Danes is a great companion dog, but also an agile guard for your home. The majority of them are not so welcoming with the strangers, but the friends and the family will be welcomed.


The Great Danes are great, elegant dogs that need a lot of activity. They will enjoy the occasion of running in open areas and in the woods. They will learn how to walk with you really fast, and they can also run near a bike. In any case, make sure the Great Danes gets a lot of activity, at least in the first three years of life.

The Great Dane is known with different names all around the world. It is known as the German mastiff, the Grand Danois in France, and there is also a small dispute about the German origins of this dog. The English passionate preferred to use the French names of Grand Danois. This dog is considered a culture in Germany, as they were used for hunting in the past, being perfectly capable of fighting with large animals such as boars and bears. The “Great Danes” club was founded in Denmark in 1885, and we can see resembling clubs appearing in England and the United States. The American Kennel club recognize the Great Danes as a part of the dogs called “workers”.

The best qualities of these dogs are: the impressive aspect that can scare away any thief, the faith for the masters and their families, and their great social skills.

The Great Danes was one of the most respected races of dogs for centuries now. The dog is playful as a puppy, can learn all the commands fast, and he is reliable as an adult. He is not so friendly with strangers, but he will defend the members of the family with his life if needed.

Be careful with the pedigree if you are thinking to buy this dog. In the late 70’s a “dog mania” appeared in Germany and other European countries. It was common to have a dog in your house, even if you were living in a small flat. With the increased demand, the people started to made dogs randomly, altering the race. Some associations are claiming the problem can be observed even today, and the ravages of that period will not be completely repaired until 2020.

However, this don’t means that you can’t find a pure Great Danes. It only means you will have to check the pedigree of the dog you are about to buy carefully, so you can be sure you are buying the real Great Danes.

Especially if you are looking for a free puppy, or you find somebody that is willing to donate them, you must be careful. However, the result of races mating is also great, as the majority of the characteristics will be kept. In any case, if you want an elegant but also playful dog that will also be a great family friend and a safe guardian of your yard, the great Danes must be your fist name on your shortlist.

Minggu, 09 Maret 2014

Eastern Timber Rattlesnake

The Eastern Timber Rattlesnake is a reptile of the viper’s family, and it can be found on the territory of Kentucky. It has no subspecies currently, although locals say you can identify several kinds of Eastern Timber Rattlesnakes.

The adults can grow to 30 inches, with an official record of 74 inches. However, this is only an official record, as larger rattlesnakes were found in Kentucky. It is a dangerous snake, as it is poisonous, and unlike other rattlesnakes that like to stay on rocks in plain sight, the Eastern Timber Rattlesnake prefers the dead leafs. This is why you can easily step on it, and bites from this snake are common.

The snake is also dangerous because it can be found practically anywhere in the forest. The males like to bathe in the sun, while the females with babies can be found in the shadowed areas around the trees. The babies usually hunt on plain ground, and this is why you should be careful while walking in areas populated with this snake.

The Eastern Timber Rattlesnake hibernates during the winter, and you can find them together with the copperheads.

The Eastern Timber Rattlesnake does not attack humans and big animals unless they are provoked. Their “menu” is composed of birds, frogs, and even if the larger exemplars can easily eat smaller ones, the rattlesnake prefers small snakes such as the garter.

The Eastern Timber Rattlesnake is one of the most dangerous snakes in the world because of strong venom. However, the snake rattles the tail first, so the majority of bites can be prevented. Even if the local legends talk about hundreds of people killed by the Eastern Timber Rattlesnake, only a few deaths from this cause were reported in the latest years.

The Eastern Timber Rattlesnake can be divided into two groups. Type A is neurotoxic, while type B is hemorrhagic. In Kentucky, both types can be found and it is hard to differentiate them. It is pretty important, as the type A Eastern Timber Rattlesnake is far more dangerous than the type B snake.

The Eastern Timber Rattlesnake was used as a symbol during the American War, being considered one of the strongest and imposing animal in Kansas. In addition, it was considered deadly, as the methods used back then were ineffective against a bite of this snake. Moreover, the poor medical knowledge about venom and the lack of experience made this kind of bite almost impossible to treat. The Eastern Timber Rattlesnake is an endangered specie, and the population has a downtrend.

Try to avoid the forests in the late summer, as it is the time for female migration, so the snakes can be found anywhere. It is also the mating period, so the snakes might be aggressive. For the rattlesnake, the mating area is important, as they must provide safety for the babies. This is why they are capable of covering huge distances during this period. After this period, the females remain aggressive, as they are protecting the babies.   

Sabtu, 08 Maret 2014

Facts About Blue Great Danes

The Blue Great Danes is the most fascinating race of Danes Dogs. it is also the rarest, as this race was almost extinct during the 70’s “dog-mania”. However, the true raisers are trying to revitalize this race. let’s see some facts about the Blue Great Danes, so you would know how to take care of this demanding but also faithful dog.

Feeding facts about the Blue Great Danes

Because of its special construction (big height, long neck, short body), the Blue Great Danes must not receive its food on the soil. You must place the food on a support, so he won’t be obliged to lower his neck too much. Otherwise, his digestion will be slowed, causing stomach problems.

As for the minerals and vitamins, it is clearly that he will need a quantity corresponding with his size and growth rate, but you must know that excesses can be more harmful than the lack of food. If you want to clearly establish the daily necessary of food, considering the age and the size of the dog, you will have to go to the veterinary at least once every three months.

Training and walking facts about the Blue Great Danes

The physical activity of the dog must be carefully watched, and the excesses are not allowed. On the other hand, a blue Great Danes that sits in the house all day long will have decreased life duration, and he will also risk diseases. This dog needs large spaces for exercise and play; it can be kept in an apartment, as long as you can assure him a few daily walking hours. You can’t keep the blue great Danes outside during the winter, as he can’t accommodate with the cold, so the interior space must allow him freedom of movement.

If you want to raise a female, consider the fact that you will want her to have puppies one day, and their faith depends on how the mother was raised before mating.
If the Great Danes lovers have the necessary resources to raise such a dog, their efforts will be greatly rewarded. The Great Danes is an ideal dog for company, and its force and elegance are completed with an equilibrated character of kindness and respect to the owning family.

It might seem weird for a dog of this size to be so sensitive to his masters. However, the blue Great Danes is sensitive to the behavior of the masters, and their bad moods affect the dog directly. The tensed family atmosphere, the fights and other problems affects the dog, and he can be deeply depressed because of those aspects. If you brawl the dog too often, if you yell, if you are brutal, the dog will develop some serious behavioral problems, and he could sometimes turn against you. An elementary education is mandatory, but it must be made using a positive attitude instead of an authoritarian one. The results will be great, as the Blue Great Danes learns fast. 

Jumat, 07 Maret 2014

Kentucky Most Poisonous Snakes

Snakes are the most common animals in Kentucky, and despite the common reputation, they are beneficial for the environment. On the other hand, the fear of people and the increased environmental problems reduced the populations of snakes dramatically, and even if Kentucky is still a state where snakes can leave peacefully, some species might disappear in the future.

There are more than 30 snake species in Kentucky, and only 4 of them are poisonous. Moreover, the majority of them live in non-populated areas, like the deep forests and the rocky and sunny areas. this is why accidents rarely happen. However, you must be able to identify the poisonous snakes when you see them.

All the venomous snakes from Kentucky are a part of the Viperidae family, commonly known as vipers. We are talking about the Copperhead, the western Cottonmouth, the Timber Rattlesnake and western Pigmy Rattlesnake. The majority of them are non-aggressive, and they prefer to hide from humans. you can easily distinguish them because of their vertical pupils, and also because of the scale at the top of the tale that is placed on only one row.

Don’t use the vibrating tail as a method to identify a poisonous snake. Some non-poisonous species also have this ability, and many non-venomous species are extinguished because people confused them.

Don’t touch a venomous snake even if it is dead. The body can have a bite reflex, and the bite is also poisonous. The snakes will never attack you unless provoked or harassed. The best idea when you see a snake of this kind is to leave it alone.

The best method to treat a bite of a poisonous snake is to prevent it. leaving the jokes behind, if you are close to a hospital, you should go there immediately. Cutting the wounded area, sucking the venom or electric shocks were proven as ineffective, and the anti-venom serum is the only demonstrated cure for this problem.

The Copperhead is usually mistaken with other species of non-venomous snakes. The best method to identify a snake of this specie is to look at the chestnut cross bands that have the shape of a bow.

The western Cottonmouth is a common dark colored snake that looks like the copperhead when he is young. It has no margins and a single color, making it hard to identify. The water snakes looking the same will quickly hide in the water when approached, while the cottonmouth will take a defensive stance. In fact, this is the best method to identify the cottonmouth, as it is the only aggressive poisonous snake.

The rattlesnakes are also poisonous, but unlike the cottonmouth, this snake hides when approached. However, this is the largest snake from this family, and this is why people fear it the most. The Rattlesnake gains one rattle each time they change the skin, but the rattles might fall, so it is not an accurate method to determine the age of a rattlesnake by counting them. the other snakes from Kentucky are not poisonous, and they are a part of the family Colubridae. 

Kamis, 06 Maret 2014

Common Snakes In Kentucky

Snakes are common in the state of Kentucky, and considering the great climate and the fauna and flora, the state is ideal for those animals. The common snakes in Kentucky have different sizes, characteristics and habits, and they are also the subject of local urban legends and stories. The smallest Kentucky snake has 7 inches, being more like a worm than a snake, but you can also find the impressive black rat snake with length of 6 feet or more.

While the majority of people are scared about those snakes, considering them as dangerous animals, the passionate researchers and animal lovers are fascinated about them. Some of the species are great pets, and people prefer the size and beauty of the rat snake usually. However, read some details about feeding and taking care of the snake pets, as they are different from any other animals.

The people are also attracted about the snakes’ great combination of colors, about the adaptability of them and also about their capacity to survive in hostile environments. You can find snakes practically anywhere in the state of Kentucky, from the backyards of town houses to the deep forests and rocky areas. Only 4 species are venomous, and the majority of common snakes in Kentucky are not even aggressive. However, every local in Kentucky must be able to differentiate the venomous snakes from the harmless ones.

The copperhead is a venomous snake, and it is also hard to differentiate it from the common snakes in Kentucky. However, the model on the back of this snake can be easily detected, as it has a bow shape with narrow stripes on the edges.

The cottonmouth is another poisonous snake that is feared by people, and it is also the most aggressive of the venomous species.

The timber rattlesnake is the most common venomous snake, but you can hardly see it in the urban areas. It prefers the solitude of the rocky areas and the deep forests, it also likes to hide instead of fighting, and this is why attacks of the rattlesnake are rarely reported.

Another one of the common snakes in Kentucky that is also the preferred pet for snake lovers is the black rat. This snake can easily reach a length of 6 feet, and it is also beneficial for farms, being a known enemy of rats and other small animals around your home.

The prairie kingsnake can be found in the fields of the western Kentucky, preferring the prairies and grasslands. It feeds with birds and small animals, and it is also non-poisonous.

The milk snake takes its name from a legend saying it is able of sucking milk from cows. However, the snake will never be capable of doing so, and it is also known as a hidden snake. You can find it in the vicinity of barns, but this is only because this snake likes to feed with mice and rats.
The garter snake is a relatively small snake that can be found in all the areas of Kentucky, including urban agglomerations. It is a non-poisonous snake, although it bites when attacked, and it also releases a liquid that resembles with venom.

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Brahminy Blind Snake